Class DefaultClientConnectionOperator

  extended by org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultClientConnectionOperator
extends Object
implements ClientConnectionOperator

Default implementation of a ClientConnectionOperator. It uses a SchemeRegistry to look up SchemeSocketFactory objects.

This connection operator is multihome network aware and will attempt to retry failed connects against all known IP addresses sequentially until the connect is successful or all known addresses fail to respond. Please note the same CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT value will be used for each connection attempt, so in the worst case the total elapsed time before timeout can be CONNECTION_TIMEOUT * n where n is the number of IP addresses of the given host. One can disable multihome support by overriding the resolveHostname(String) method and returning only one IP address for the given host name.

The following parameters can be used to customize the behavior of this class:


Field Summary
protected  DnsResolver dnsResolver
          the custom-configured DNS lookup mechanism.
protected  SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry
          The scheme registry for looking up socket factories.
Constructor Summary
DefaultClientConnectionOperator(SchemeRegistry schemes)
          Creates a new client connection operator for the given scheme registry.
DefaultClientConnectionOperator(SchemeRegistry schemes, DnsResolver dnsResolver)
          Creates a new client connection operator for the given scheme registry and the given custom DNS lookup mechanism.
Method Summary
 OperatedClientConnection createConnection()
          Creates a new connection that can be operated.
 void openConnection(OperatedClientConnection conn, HttpHost target, InetAddress local, HttpContext context, HttpParams params)
          Opens a connection to the given target host.
protected  void prepareSocket(Socket sock, HttpContext context, HttpParams params)
          Performs standard initializations on a newly created socket.
protected  InetAddress[] resolveHostname(String host)
          Resolves the given host name to an array of corresponding IP addresses, based on the configured name service on the provided DNS resolver.
 void updateSecureConnection(OperatedClientConnection conn, HttpHost target, HttpContext context, HttpParams params)
          Updates a connection with a layered secure connection.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry
The scheme registry for looking up socket factories.


protected final DnsResolver dnsResolver
the custom-configured DNS lookup mechanism.

Constructor Detail


public DefaultClientConnectionOperator(SchemeRegistry schemes)
Creates a new client connection operator for the given scheme registry.

schemes - the scheme registry


public DefaultClientConnectionOperator(SchemeRegistry schemes,
                                       DnsResolver dnsResolver)
Creates a new client connection operator for the given scheme registry and the given custom DNS lookup mechanism.

schemes - the scheme registry
dnsResolver - the custom DNS lookup mechanism
Method Detail


public OperatedClientConnection createConnection()
Description copied from interface: ClientConnectionOperator
Creates a new connection that can be operated.

Specified by:
createConnection in interface ClientConnectionOperator
a new, unopened connection for use with this operator


public void openConnection(OperatedClientConnection conn,
                           HttpHost target,
                           InetAddress local,
                           HttpContext context,
                           HttpParams params)
                    throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ClientConnectionOperator
Opens a connection to the given target host.

Specified by:
openConnection in interface ClientConnectionOperator
conn - the connection to open
target - the target host to connect to
local - the local address to route from, or null for the default
context - the context for the connection
params - the parameters for the connection
IOException - in case of a problem


public void updateSecureConnection(OperatedClientConnection conn,
                                   HttpHost target,
                                   HttpContext context,
                                   HttpParams params)
                            throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ClientConnectionOperator
Updates a connection with a layered secure connection. The typical use of this method is to update a tunnelled plain connection (HTTP) to a secure TLS/SSL connection (HTTPS).

Specified by:
updateSecureConnection in interface ClientConnectionOperator
conn - the open connection to update
target - the target host for the updated connection. The connection must already be open or tunnelled to the host and port, but the scheme of the target will be used to create a layered connection.
context - the context for the connection
params - the parameters for the updated connection
IOException - in case of a problem


protected void prepareSocket(Socket sock,
                             HttpContext context,
                             HttpParams params)
                      throws IOException
Performs standard initializations on a newly created socket.

sock - the socket to prepare
context - the context for the connection
params - the parameters from which to prepare the socket
IOException - in case of an IO problem


protected InetAddress[] resolveHostname(String host)
                                 throws UnknownHostException
Resolves the given host name to an array of corresponding IP addresses, based on the configured name service on the provided DNS resolver. If one wasn't provided, the system configuration is used.

host - host name to resolve
array of IP addresses
UnknownHostException - if no IP address for the host could be determined.
See Also:
DnsResolver, SystemDefaultDnsResolver

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