Uses of Class

Packages that use AuthScope
org.apache.http.auth Client HTTP authentication APIs. 
org.apache.http.client Client HTTP communication APIs. 
org.apache.http.impl.client Default HTTP client implementation. 

Uses of AuthScope in org.apache.http.auth

Fields in org.apache.http.auth declared as AuthScope
static AuthScope AuthScope.ANY
          Default scope matching any host, port, realm and authentication scheme.

Methods in org.apache.http.auth that return AuthScope
 AuthScope AuthState.getAuthScope()
          Deprecated. (4.2) do not use.

Methods in org.apache.http.auth with parameters of type AuthScope
 int AuthScope.match(AuthScope that)
          Tests if the authentication scopes match.
 void AuthState.setAuthScope(AuthScope authScope)
          Deprecated. (4.2) do not use.

Constructors in org.apache.http.auth with parameters of type AuthScope
AuthScope(AuthScope authscope)
          Creates a copy of the given credentials scope.

Uses of AuthScope in org.apache.http.client

Methods in org.apache.http.client with parameters of type AuthScope
 Credentials CredentialsProvider.getCredentials(AuthScope authscope)
          Get the credentials for the given authentication scope.
 void CredentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope authscope, Credentials credentials)
          Sets the credentials for the given authentication scope.

Uses of AuthScope in org.apache.http.impl.client

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client with parameters of type AuthScope
 Credentials BasicCredentialsProvider.getCredentials(AuthScope authscope)
 Credentials SystemDefaultCredentialsProvider.getCredentials(AuthScope authscope)
 void BasicCredentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope authscope, Credentials credentials)
 void SystemDefaultCredentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope authscope, Credentials credentials)

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