Interface ConnectionBackoffStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultBackoffStrategy, NullBackoffStrategy

public interface ConnectionBackoffStrategy

When managing a dynamic number of connections for a given route, this strategy assesses whether a given request execution outcome should result in a backoff signal or not, based on either examining the Throwable that resulted or by examining the resulting response (e.g. for its status code).


Method Summary
 boolean shouldBackoff(HttpResponse resp)
          Determines whether receiving the given HttpResponse as a result of request execution should result in a backoff signal.
 boolean shouldBackoff(Throwable t)
          Determines whether seeing the given Throwable as a result of request execution should result in a backoff signal.

Method Detail


boolean shouldBackoff(Throwable t)
Determines whether seeing the given Throwable as a result of request execution should result in a backoff signal.

t - the Throwable that happened
true if a backoff signal should be given


boolean shouldBackoff(HttpResponse resp)
Determines whether receiving the given HttpResponse as a result of request execution should result in a backoff signal. Implementations MUST restrict themselves to examining the response header and MUST NOT consume any of the response body, if any.

resp - the HttpResponse that was received
true if a backoff signal should be given

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