Interface ExtendedBlobStatsCollector

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ExtendedBlobStatsCollector
    extends org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.blob.stats.BlobStatsCollector
    Interface that adds stats to BlobStatsCollector for additional capabilities in blob stores that are added via DataStoreBlobStore.
    • Method Detail

      • getRecordForIdCalled

        void getRecordForIdCalled​(long timeTaken,
                                  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
                                  long size)
        Called when a DataRecord is retrieved via a call to SharedDataStore.getRecordForId(DataIdentifier).
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
        size - size of the binary
      • getAllRecordsCalled

        void getAllRecordsCalled​(long timeTaken,
                                 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.getAllRecords() is made
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
      • metadataRecordAdded

        void metadataRecordAdded​(long timeTaken,
                                 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
      • getMetadataRecordCalled

        void getMetadataRecordCalled​(long timeTaken,
                                     java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.getMetadataRecord(String) is made
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
      • getMetadataRecordCompleted

        void getMetadataRecordCompleted​(java.lang.String name)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.getMetadataRecord(String) is completed
        name - name of the metadata record retrieved
      • getAllMetadataRecordsCalled

        void getAllMetadataRecordsCalled​(long timeTaken,
                                         java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.getAllMetadataRecords(String) is made
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
      • getAllMetadataRecordsCompleted

        void getAllMetadataRecordsCompleted​(java.lang.String prefix)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.getAllMetadataRecords(String) is completed
        prefix - prefix of the metadata records retrieved
      • metadataRecordExistsCalled

        void metadataRecordExistsCalled​(long timeTaken,
                                        java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.metadataRecordExists(String) is made
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
      • metadataRecordExistsCompleted

        void metadataRecordExistsCompleted​(java.lang.String name)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.metadataRecordExists(String) is completed
        name - name of the metadata record checked
      • metadataRecordDeleted

        void metadataRecordDeleted​(long timeTaken,
                                   java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.deleteMetadataRecord(String) is made
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
      • deleteMetadataRecordCompleted

        void deleteMetadataRecordCompleted​(java.lang.String name)
        Called when a call to SharedDataStore.deleteMetadataRecord(String) is completed
        name - name of the metadata record deleted
      • allMetadataRecordsDeleted

        void allMetadataRecordsDeleted​(long timeTaken,
                                       java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
      • deleteAllMetadataRecordsCompleted

        void deleteAllMetadataRecordsCompleted​(java.lang.String prefix)
        prefix - prefix of the metadata records deleted
      • initiateBlobUpload

        void initiateBlobUpload​(long timeTaken,
                                java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
                                long maxSize,
                                int maxUris)
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.initiateBlobUpload(long, int) is made
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
        maxSize - size of binary to be uploaded
        maxUris - max number of uris requested
      • initiateBlobUploadCompleted

        void initiateBlobUploadCompleted()
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.initiateBlobUpload(long, int) is completed
      • initiateBlobUploadFailed

        void initiateBlobUploadFailed()
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.initiateBlobUpload(long, int) fails
      • completeBlobUpload

        void completeBlobUpload​(long timeTaken,
                                java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.completeBlobUpload(String) is made
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
      • completeBlobUploadCompleted

        void completeBlobUploadCompleted​(java.lang.String id)
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.completeBlobUpload(String) is completed
        id - identifier of uploaded blob
      • completeBlobUploadFailed

        void completeBlobUploadFailed()
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.completeBlobUpload(String) fails
      • getDownloadURICalled

        void getDownloadURICalled​(long timeTaken,
                                  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
                                  java.lang.String id)
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.getDownloadURI(Blob, BlobDownloadOptions) is made
        timeTaken - time taken to perform the operation
        unit - unit of time taken
        id - identifier of blob to be downloaded
      • getDownloadURICompleted

        void getDownloadURICompleted​(java.lang.String uri)
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.getDownloadURI(Blob, BlobDownloadOptions) is completed
        uri - the uri generated for downloading
      • getDownloadURIFailed

        void getDownloadURIFailed()
        Called when a call to BlobAccessProvider.getDownloadURI(Blob, BlobDownloadOptions) fails