Package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.optimize

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ExprTransformApplyTransform A copying transform that applies an Op Transform to the algebra operator of E_Exist and E_NoExists
ExprTransformConstantFold An expression transform that simplifies expressions by constant folding wherever possible
ExprVisitorApplyVisitor An expr visitor that applies a OpVisitor to the algebra operator of E_Exist and E_NoExists
TransformDistinctToReduced Transforms generic DISTINCT plus ORDER BY combinations to REDUCED plus ORDER BY which typically gives better performance and memory consumption because engines have to keep less data in-memory to evaluate it.
TransformExtendCombine An optimizer that aims to combine multiple extend clauses together.
TransformFilterConjunction Redo FILTER (A&&B) as FILTER(A) FILTER(B) (as an expr list).
TransformFilterDisjunction Filter disjunction.
TransformFilterEquality A transform that aims to optimize queries where there is an equality constraint on a variable to speed up evaluation e.g
TransformFilterImplicitJoin Optimizer for transforming implicit joins.
TransformFilterInequality A transform that aims to optimize queries where there is an inequality constraint on a variable in an attempt to speed up evaluation e.g
TransformFilterPlacement Rewrite an algebra expression to put filters as close to their bound variables.
TransformFilterPlacementConservative Rewrite an algebra expression to put filters as close to their bound variables in a BGP.
TransformImplicitLeftJoin Optimizer for transforming implicit joins.
TransformJoinStrategy Choose join strategy
TransformMergeBGPs Merge adjacent BGPsTransformCollapseBGPs
TransformOrderByDistinctApplication Improved optimization for ORDER BY plus DISTINCT or REDUCED combinations, see JENA-441 for original proposal and discussion.
TransformPathFlattern Perform the equivalent of the trasnactions in the SPARQL 1.1 spec.
TransformPathFlatternStd The path transformation step exactly as per the SPARQL 1.1 spec.
TransformPattern2Join Expand to joins of triples and quads.
TransformPromoteTableEmpty Optimizer that ensures that table empty is promoted as high up a query as is possible
TransformPropertyFunction Rewrite to replace a property function property with the call to the property function implementation
TransformReorder A Transformer that applies a reordering to all BGPs and Quad Patterns present in the algebra
TransformScopeRename Rename variables so that names can be treated globally.
TransformTopN Optimization that changes queries that uses OFFSET/LIMIT and ORDER BY to execute using Top N: i.e.

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