Interface Binding

All Known Subinterfaces:
BindingMap, BindingMutable
All Known Implementing Classes:
Binding0, Binding1, BindingBase, BindingFixed, BindingHashMap, BindingProject, BindingProjectBase, BindingProjectNamed, BindingRoot, BindingWrapped

public interface Binding

Interface encapsulating a mapping from a name to a value.

Method Summary
 boolean contains(Var var)
          Test whether a variable is bound to some object
 Node get(Var var)
          Return the object bound to a variable, or null
 boolean isEmpty()
          Is this an empty binding? No variables.
 int size()
          Number of (var, value) pairs.
 Iterator<Var> vars()
          Iterate over all variables of this binding.

Method Detail


Iterator<Var> vars()
Iterate over all variables of this binding.


boolean contains(Var var)
Test whether a variable is bound to some object


Node get(Var var)
Return the object bound to a variable, or null


int size()
Number of (var, value) pairs.


boolean isEmpty()
Is this an empty binding? No variables.

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