Class PlainFormat

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.resultset.PlainFormat
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PlainFormat
extends Object
implements ResultSetProcessor

Constructor Summary
PlainFormat(OutputStream outStream, Prologue prologue)
PlainFormat(OutputStream outStream, SerializationContext context)
Method Summary
 void binding(String varName, RDFNode value)
          A single (variable, value) pair in a query solution - the value may be null indicating that the variable was not present in this solution.
 void finish(QuerySolution qs)
          Finish query solution (row in result set)
 void finish(ResultSet rs)
          Finish result set
 void start(QuerySolution qs)
          Start query solution (row in result set)
 void start(ResultSet rs)
          Start result set
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PlainFormat(OutputStream outStream,
                   SerializationContext context)


public PlainFormat(OutputStream outStream,
                   Prologue prologue)
Method Detail


public void start(ResultSet rs)
Description copied from interface: ResultSetProcessor
Start result set

Specified by:
start in interface ResultSetProcessor


public void finish(ResultSet rs)
Description copied from interface: ResultSetProcessor
Finish result set

Specified by:
finish in interface ResultSetProcessor


public void start(QuerySolution qs)
Description copied from interface: ResultSetProcessor
Start query solution (row in result set)

Specified by:
start in interface ResultSetProcessor


public void finish(QuerySolution qs)
Description copied from interface: ResultSetProcessor
Finish query solution (row in result set)

Specified by:
finish in interface ResultSetProcessor


public void binding(String varName,
                    RDFNode value)
Description copied from interface: ResultSetProcessor
A single (variable, value) pair in a query solution - the value may be null indicating that the variable was not present in this solution.

Specified by:
binding in interface ResultSetProcessor

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0