Class BlockUTF8

  extended by

public class BlockUTF8
extends Object

Convert between bytes and chars, UTF-8 only. This code is just the UTF-8 encoding rules - it does not check for legality of the Unicode data. The standard codec do, so do not round-trip with binary compatibility. (Example: a single element of a surrogate pair will be encoded/decoded without lost. The usual Charset encoders/decoders can be expensive to start up - they are also not thread safe. Sometimes we want to convert 10's of chars and UTF-8 can be done in code with no lookup tables (which, if used, are cache-unfriendly). This code is thread safe. It uses code in the hope that JITting will make it fast if used heavily.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void fromChars(CharBuffer cb, ByteBuffer bb)
          Convert characters to UTF-8 bytes in the ByteBuffer.
static void fromChars(CharSequence cs, ByteBuffer bb)
static void toChars(ByteBuffer bb, CharBuffer cb)
          Convert the bytes in the ByteBuffer to characters in the CharBuffer.
static String toString(ByteBuffer bb)
          Make a string from UTF-8 bytes in a ByteBuffer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BlockUTF8()
Method Detail


public static void toChars(ByteBuffer bb,
                           CharBuffer cb)
Convert the bytes in the ByteBuffer to characters in the CharBuffer. The CharBuffer must be large enough.


public static void fromChars(CharBuffer cb,
                             ByteBuffer bb)
Convert characters to UTF-8 bytes in the ByteBuffer. The ByteBuffer must be large enough.


public static String toString(ByteBuffer bb)
Make a string from UTF-8 bytes in a ByteBuffer


public static void fromChars(CharSequence cs,
                             ByteBuffer bb)

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