Interface BlankNodeAllocator

All Known Implementing Classes:
BlankNodeAllocatorFixedSeedHash, BlankNodeAllocatorHash, BlankNodeAllocatorLabel, BlankNodeAllocatorLabelEncoded, BlankNodeAllocatorTraditional

public interface BlankNodeAllocator

Interface to allocators for blank nodes.

Method Summary
 Node alloc(String label)
          Allocate based on a non-null label.
 Node create()
          Create a fresh blank node, different from anything generated so far.
 void reset()
          Reset allocation state - calls to alloc(java.lang.String) or create()

Method Detail


Node alloc(String label)
Allocate based on a non-null label. Calling this twice, with the same label will generate equivalent nodes but they may not be identicial (i.e they are .equals but may not be ==)


Node create()
Create a fresh blank node, different from anything generated so far. Will not clash with a node allocated by alloc(java.lang.String)


void reset()
Reset allocation state - calls to alloc(java.lang.String) or create()

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