Class JenaIOEnvironment

  extended by

public class JenaIOEnvironment
extends Object

Code for using the general facilities of the location mapper/ filemanager subsystem and set up for Jena usage. e.g. find a location mapper with RDf description.

Field Summary
static String DEFAULT_PATH
          The default path for searching for the location mapper
static String GlobalMapperSystemProperty1
static String GlobalMapperSystemProperty2
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static LocationMapper createLocationMapper(String configPath)
          Search a path (which is delimited by ";" because ":" is used in URIs) to find a description of a LocationMapper, then create and return a LocationMapper based on the description.
static LocationMapper getLocationMapper()
          Get the global LocationMapper
static LocationMapper makeGlobal()
          Make a location mapper from the path settings
static LocationMapper processConfig(Model m)
          Create a LocationMapper based on Model
static void setGlobalLocationMapper(LocationMapper globalLocationMapper)
          Set the global lcoation mapper.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DEFAULT_PATH
The default path for searching for the location mapper

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GlobalMapperSystemProperty1
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GlobalMapperSystemProperty2
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public JenaIOEnvironment()
Method Detail


public static LocationMapper getLocationMapper()
Get the global LocationMapper


public static void setGlobalLocationMapper(LocationMapper globalLocationMapper)
Set the global lcoation mapper. (as returned by get()) If called before any call to get(), then the usual default global location mapper is not created

globalLocationMapper -


public static LocationMapper makeGlobal()
Make a location mapper from the path settings


public static LocationMapper processConfig(Model m)
Create a LocationMapper based on Model


public static LocationMapper createLocationMapper(String configPath)
Search a path (which is delimited by ";" because ":" is used in URIs) to find a description of a LocationMapper, then create and return a LocationMapper based on the description.

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