Package org.apache.jena.riot.writer

Class Summary
NullWriter Null writer for datasets - can be used for RDF graphs via the adapter in from RiotWriterLib
RDFXMLAbbrevWriter Wrapper to the RDF/XML writer (preRIOT).
RDFXMLPlainWriter Wrapper to the RDF/XML writer (preRIOT).
TriGWriter TriG pretty writer
TriGWriterBase TriG writer base class - ways to invoke a TriG writer
TriGWriterBlocks TriG writer that streams - print in blocks of quads clustered by adjacent same graph and same subject
TriGWriterFlat TriG writer that writes quads one per line in TriG form with prefixes and short form literals (e.g.
TurtleShell Base class to support the pretty forms of Turtle-related languages (Turtle, TriG)
TurtleWriterBlocks Turtle writer that streams - print in blocks of triples formatted by adjacent same subject.
TurtleWriterFlat Write Turtle with omne triple on one line with prefixed names, with short form literals (e.g.
WriterStream Library class with helpers for writing streams of RDF (as StreamRDF)
WriterStreamRDFBase Core engine for output of triples / quads that is streaming.
WriterStreamRDFBlocks An output of triples / quads that print batches of same subject / same graph, same subject.
WriterStreamRDFFlat An output of triples / quads that is streaming.
WriterStreamRDFTuples An output of triples / quads that is streaming.

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