DecimalZERO, FALSE, IntegerZERO, nvEmptyString, nvINF, nvNaN, nvNegINF, nvNothing, nvONE, nvTEN, nvZERO, TRUE, VerboseExceptions, VerboseWarnings, xmlDatatypeFactory, xsdNamespace
Constructor and Description |
NodeValueDT(String lex,
Node n) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
XMLGregorianCalendar |
getDateTime() |
boolean |
isDate() |
boolean |
isDateTime() |
boolean |
isGDay() |
boolean |
isGMonth() |
boolean |
isGMonthDay() |
boolean |
isGYear() |
boolean |
isGYearMonth() |
boolean |
isTime() |
void |
visit(NodeValueVisitor visitor) |
apply, applyNodeTransform, asNode, asQuotedString, asQuotedString, asString, asUnquotedString, booleanReturn, classifyValueOp, compare, compareAlways, copySubstitute, equals, eval, evalNode, getBoolean, getConstant, getDatatypeURI, getDecimal, getDouble, getDuration, getFloat, getInteger, getLang, getNode, getString, getValueSpace, hasDateTime, hashCode, hasNode, isBlank, isBoolean, isConstant, isDayTimeDuration, isDecimal, isDouble, isDuration, isFloat, isInteger, isIRI, isLangString, isLiteral, isNumber, isString, isYearMonth, isYearMonthDuration, makeBoolean, makeDate, makeDate, makeDate, makeDateTime, makeDateTime, makeDateTime, makeDecimal, makeDecimal, makeDecimal, makeDecimal, makeDouble, makeDuration, makeDuration, makeFloat, makeInteger, makeInteger, makeInteger, makeLangString, makeNode, makeNode, makeNode, makeNode, makeNodeBoolean, makeNodeBoolean, makeNodeDate, makeNodeDate, makeNodeDateTime, makeNodeDateTime, makeNodeDecimal, makeNodeDecimal, makeNodeDouble, makeNodeDouble, makeNodeDuration, makeNodeFloat, makeNodeFloat, makeNodeInteger, makeNodeInteger, makeNodeString, makeString, notSameAs, notSameAs, parse, raise, sameAs, toNode, toString, visit
asVar, deepCopy, equals, equalsBySyntax, getExpr, getExprVar, getFunction, getGraphPattern, getVarName, getVarNamesMentioned, getVarsMentioned, isExpr, isFunction, isGraphPattern, isSatisfied, isVariable, varNamesMentioned, varsMentioned
public boolean isDateTime()
in class NodeValue
public boolean isGYearMonth()
in class NodeValue
public boolean isGMonthDay()
in class NodeValue
public XMLGregorianCalendar getDateTime()
in class NodeValue
public void visit(NodeValueVisitor visitor)
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