Interface AllDifferent

All Superinterfaces:
FrontsNode, OntResource, RDFNode, Resource

public interface AllDifferent
extends OntResource

Interface defining an individual in which all members of a collection are declared pair-wise disjoint. This allows ontologies that wish to support the unique names assumption to add this condition in languages (like OWL) that do not make the same assumption, with a minimum number of statements. Instances of the all different axiom are expected to have a property (e.g. owl:distinctMembers defining the list of distinct individuals in the ontology. For a given vocabulary, this will be defined by the distinctMembers entry.

Method Summary
 void addDistinctMember(Resource res)
          Add the given individual to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.
 void addDistinctMembers(Iterator<? extends Resource> individuals)
          Add the given individuals to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.
 RDFList getDistinctMembers()
          Answer the list of distinct members for this AllDifferent declaration.
 boolean hasDistinctMember(Resource res)
          Answer true if this AllDifferent declaration includes res as one of the distinct individuals.
 com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<? extends OntResource> listDistinctMembers()
          Answer an iterator over all of the individuals that are declared to be distinct by this AllDifferent declaration.
 void removeDistinctMember(Resource res)
          Remove the given resource from the list of distinct individuals.
 void setDistinctMembers(RDFList members)
          Assert that the list of distinct individuals in this AllDifferent declaration is the given list.
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntResource
addComment, addComment, addDifferentFrom, addIsDefinedBy, addLabel, addLabel, addRDFType, addSameAs, addSeeAlso, addVersionInfo, asAllDifferent, asAnnotationProperty, asClass, asDataRange, asDatatypeProperty, asIndividual, asObjectProperty, asOntology, asProperty, getCardinality, getComment, getDifferentFrom, getIsDefinedBy, getLabel, getOntModel, getProfile, getPropertyValue, getRDFType, getRDFType, getSameAs, getSeeAlso, getVersionInfo, hasComment, hasComment, hasLabel, hasLabel, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, hasSeeAlso, hasVersionInfo, isAllDifferent, isAnnotationProperty, isClass, isDataRange, isDatatypeProperty, isDefinedBy, isDifferentFrom, isIndividual, isObjectProperty, isOntLanguageTerm, isOntology, isProperty, isSameAs, listComments, listDifferentFrom, listIsDefinedBy, listLabels, listPropertyValues, listRDFTypes, listSameAs, listSeeAlso, listVersionInfo, remove, removeComment, removeComment, removeDefinedBy, removeDifferentFrom, removeLabel, removeLabel, removeProperty, removeRDFType, removeSameAs, removeSeeAlso, removeVersionInfo, setComment, setDifferentFrom, setIsDefinedBy, setLabel, setPropertyValue, setRDFType, setSameAs, setSeeAlso, setVersionInfo
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource
abort, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addLiteral, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, begin, commit, equals, getId, getLocalName, getNameSpace, getProperty, getPropertyResourceValue, getRequiredProperty, getURI, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasLiteral, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasURI, inModel, listProperties, listProperties, removeAll, removeProperties, toString
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode
as, asLiteral, asResource, canAs, getModel, isAnon, isLiteral, isResource, isURIResource, visitWith
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.FrontsNode

Method Detail


void setDistinctMembers(RDFList members)

Assert that the list of distinct individuals in this AllDifferent declaration is the given list. Any existing statements for distinctMembers will be removed.

members - A list of the members that are declared to be distinct.
OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS() property is not supported in the current language profile.


void addDistinctMember(Resource res)

Add the given individual to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.

res - A resource that will be added to the list of all different members.
OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS() property is not supported in the current language profile.


void addDistinctMembers(Iterator<? extends Resource> individuals)

Add the given individuals to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.

individuals - An iterator over the distinct invididuals that will be added
OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS() property is not supported in the current language profile.


RDFList getDistinctMembers()

Answer the list of distinct members for this AllDifferent declaration.

The list of individuals declared distinct by this AllDifferent declaration.
OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS() property is not supported in the current language profile.


com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<? extends OntResource> listDistinctMembers()

Answer an iterator over all of the individuals that are declared to be distinct by this AllDifferent declaration. Each element of the iterator will be an OntResource.

An iterator over distinct individuals.
OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS() property is not supported in the current language profile.


boolean hasDistinctMember(Resource res)

Answer true if this AllDifferent declaration includes res as one of the distinct individuals.

res - A resource to test against
True if res is declared to be distinct from the other individuals in this declation.
OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS() property is not supported in the current language profile.


void removeDistinctMember(Resource res)

Remove the given resource from the list of distinct individuals. If this statement is not true of the current model, nothing happens.

res - A resource that is no longer distinct from the other listed individuals

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