Uses of Interface

Packages that use StmtIterator
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners A package defining some useful implementations of ModelChangedListener, for listening to (a) all triples added or removed, exploding composite objects, (b) all objects added or removed, as themselves, (c) notification of additions/removals, but no details, and (d) accepting but ignoring all changes, as a base-class to be extended. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs. 

Uses of StmtIterator in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners with parameters of type StmtIterator
 void ChangedListener.addedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
 void NullListener.addedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
 void ObjectListener.addedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
 void StatementListener.addedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
 void ChangedListener.removedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
 void NullListener.removedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
 void ObjectListener.removedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
 void StatementListener.removedStatements(StmtIterator statements)

Uses of StmtIterator in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model that return StmtIterator
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, boolean object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, char object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, double object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, float object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, long object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator Resource.listProperties()
          Return an iterator over all the properties of this resource.
 StmtIterator Resource.listProperties(Property p)
          List all the values of the property p.
 StmtIterator Model.listStatements()
          List all statements.
 StmtIterator Model.listStatements(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 StmtIterator InfModel.listStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object, Model posit)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, String object)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, String object, String lang)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 StmtIterator Model.listStatements(Selector s)
          List the statements matching a selector.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with parameters of type StmtIterator
 Model Model.add(StmtIterator iter)
          Add all the statements returned by an iterator to this model.
 void ModelChangedListener.addedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
          Method to call when a statement iterator has supplied elements to be added to the attached model.
 boolean Model.containsAll(StmtIterator iter)
          Determine if all of the statements returned by an iterator are contained in this model.
 boolean Model.containsAny(StmtIterator iter)
          Determine if any of the statements returned by an iterator are contained in this model.
 Model ModelCon.remove(StmtIterator iter)
          Remove all the Statements returned by an iterator.
 void ModelChangedListener.removedStatements(StmtIterator statements)
          Method to call when a statement iterator has been used to remove statements from the attached model.

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