Class FRuleEngineIFactory

  • public class FRuleEngineIFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Factory class for creating FRuleEngineI. This class is a singleton pattern, the single global instance could be replaced to provide a custom implementation.
     MyFRuleEngineIFactory anotherFactory  = new MyFRuleEngineIFactory();
    • Constructor Detail

      • FRuleEngineIFactory

        public FRuleEngineIFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static FRuleEngineIFactory getInstance()
        Return the single global instance of this factory
      • setInstance

        public static void setInstance​(FRuleEngineIFactory instance)
        Replaces the custom global instance.
        instance - the new factory instance
      • createFRuleEngineI

        public FRuleEngineI createFRuleEngineI​(ForwardRuleInfGraphI parent,
                                               java.util.List<Rule> rules,
                                               boolean useRETE)
        Creates a ForwardRuleInfGraphI instance.
        parent - the F or FB infGraph that it using the engine, the parent graph holds the deductions graph and source data.
        rules - the rule set to be processed
        useRETE - if true force this factory to create a RETEEngine otherwise a FRuleEngine is created.
        the created engine.