Class Deployer.DeploymentRequest

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Deployer.DeploymentRequest
    extends Object

    A request to change current Deployer.DeploymentState of system

    requirements specify target set of system requirements. If new features are installed, requirements should include currently installed features and new ones. If features are being uninstalled, requirements should include currently installed features minus the ones that are removed.

    • Field Detail

      • featureResolutionRange

        public String featureResolutionRange
        A bnd macro that changes feature version into a version range.
      • bundleUpdateRange

        public String bundleUpdateRange
        A bnd macro to find update'able version range for bundle versions (e.g., to determine whether to install or update a bundle
      • autoRefresh

        public boolean autoRefresh
        Indication if deployer refresh automatically bundle (true), or not (false)
      • globalRepository

        public org.osgi.service.repository.Repository globalRepository
        Additional Repository that'll be used to resolve unresolved, non-optional requirements if they're not resolved against current
      • requirements

        public Map<String,​Set<String>> requirements
        Target/desired set of requirements per region
      • outputFile

        public String outputFile
        File to store result of deployment
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeploymentRequest

        public DeploymentRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • defaultDeploymentRequest

        public static Deployer.DeploymentRequest defaultDeploymentRequest()
        Prepare standard, empty DeploymentRequest, where feature versions are taken literally (no ranges) and bundle updates use natural range to determine between install and update (update on micro digit in version, e.g., 2.1.0 -> 2.1.2, but not 2.1.2 -> 2.2.0).