Class RunAutomaton

  extended by org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.RunAutomaton
Direct Known Subclasses:
ByteRunAutomaton, CharacterRunAutomaton

public abstract class RunAutomaton
extends Object

Finite-state automaton with fast run operation.

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

Constructor Summary
RunAutomaton(Automaton a, int maxInterval, boolean tableize)
          Constructs a new RunAutomaton from a deterministic Automaton.
Method Summary
 int[] getCharIntervals()
          Returns array of codepoint class interval start points.
 int getInitialState()
          Returns initial state.
 int getSize()
          Returns number of states in automaton.
 boolean isAccept(int state)
          Returns acceptance status for given state.
 int step(int state, int c)
          Returns the state obtained by reading the given char from the given state.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this automaton.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RunAutomaton(Automaton a,
                    int maxInterval,
                    boolean tableize)
Constructs a new RunAutomaton from a deterministic Automaton.

a - an automaton
Method Detail


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this automaton.

toString in class Object


public final int getSize()
Returns number of states in automaton.


public final boolean isAccept(int state)
Returns acceptance status for given state.


public final int getInitialState()
Returns initial state.


public final int[] getCharIntervals()
Returns array of codepoint class interval start points. The array should not be modified by the caller.


public final int step(int state,
                      int c)
Returns the state obtained by reading the given char from the given state. Returns -1 if not obtaining any such state. (If the original Automaton had no dead states, -1 is returned here if and only if a dead state is entered in an equivalent automaton with a total transition function.)

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