Class Application

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class Application
    extends Object

    Application represents a per-web-application singleton object where applications based on JavaServer Faces (or implementations wishing to provide extended functionality) can register application-wide singletons that provide functionality required by JavaServer Faces. Default implementations of each object are provided for cases where the application does not choose to customize the behavior.

    The instance of Application is created by calling the getApplication() method of ApplicationFactory. Because this instance is shared, it must be implemented in a thread-safe manner.

    Holds webapp-wide resources for a JSF application. There is a single one of these for a web application, accessable via
    In particular, this provides a factory for UIComponent objects. It also provides convenience methods for creating ValueBinding objects. See Javadoc of JSF Specification
    • Constructor Detail

      • Application

        public Application()
    • Method Detail

      • addBehavior

        public void addBehavior​(String behaviorId,
                                String behaviorClass)
        behaviorId -
        behaviorClass -
        2.0 FIXME: Notify EG, this should not be abstract and throw UnsupportedOperationException
      • addComponent

        public abstract void addComponent​(String componentType,
                                          String componentClass)
        Register a new mapping of component type to the name of the corresponding UIComponent class. This allows subsequent calls to createComponent() to serve as a factory for UIComponent instances.
        componentType - - The component type to be registered
        componentClass - - The fully qualified class name of the corresponding UIComponent implementation
        NullPointerException - if componentType or componentClass is null
      • addConverter

        public abstract void addConverter​(Class<?> targetClass,
                                          String converterClass)
        Register a new converter class that is capable of performing conversions for the specified target class.
        targetClass - - The class for which this converter is registered
        converterClass - - The fully qualified class name of the corresponding Converter implementation
        NullPointerException - if targetClass or converterClass is null
      • addConverter

        public abstract void addConverter​(String converterId,
                                          String converterClass)
        Register a new mapping of converter id to the name of the corresponding Converter class. This allows subsequent calls to createConverter() to serve as a factory for Converter instances.
        converterId - - The converterId to be registered
        converterClass - - The fully qualified class name of the corresponding Converter implementation
        NullPointerException - if componentType or componentClass is null
      • addDefaultValidatorId

        public void addDefaultValidatorId​(String validatorId)
        validatorId -
      • addELContextListener

        public void addELContextListener​(jakarta.el.ELContextListener listener)

        Provide a way for Faces applications to register an ELContextListener that will be notified on creation of ELContext instances.

        An implementation is provided that throws UnsupportedOperationException so that users that decorate the Application continue to work.

      • addELResolver

        public void addELResolver​(jakarta.el.ELResolver resolver)

        Cause an the argument resolver to be added to the resolver chain as specified in section 5.5.1 of the JavaServer Faces Specification.

        It is not possible to remove an ELResolver registered with this method, once it has been registered.

        It is illegal to register an ELResolver after the application has received any requests from the client. If an attempt is made to register a listener after that time, an IllegalStateException must be thrown. ELResolvers are in the chain, aside from the standard ones. It is permissible to add ELResolvers before or after initialization to a CompositeELResolver that is already in the chain.

        The default implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException and is provided for the sole purpose of not breaking existing applications that extend Application.

      • addValidator

        public abstract void addValidator​(String validatorId,
                                          String validatorClass)
        Register a new mapping of validator id to the name of the corresponding Validator class. This allows subsequent calls to createValidator() to serve as a factory for Validator instances.
        validatorId - The validator id to be registered
        validatorClass - The fully qualified class name of the corresponding Validator implementation
        NullPointerException - if validatorId or validatorClass is null
      • createBehavior

        public Behavior createBehavior​(String behaviorId)
                                throws FacesException
        behaviorId -
        2.0 FIXME: Notify EG, this should not be abstract and throw UnsupportedOperationException
      • createComponent

        public UIComponent createComponent​(FacesContext context,
                                           Resource componentResource)
        context -
        componentResource -
      • createComponent

        public UIComponent createComponent​(FacesContext context,
                                           String componentType,
                                           String rendererType)
        context -
        componentType -
        rendererType -
      • createComponent

        public abstract UIComponent createComponent​(String componentType)
                                             throws FacesException

        Create a new UIComponent subclass, using the mappings defined by previous calls to the addComponent method of this class.

        FacesException - if there is no mapping defined for the specified componentType, or if an instance of the specified type could not be created for any reason.
      • createComponent

        public UIComponent createComponent​(jakarta.el.ValueExpression componentExpression,
                                           FacesContext context,
                                           String componentType)
                                    throws FacesException

        Call the getValue() method on the specified ValueExpression. If it returns a UIComponent instance, return it as the value of this method. If it does not, instantiate a new UIComponent instance of the specified component type, pass the new component to the setValue() method of the specified ValueExpression, and return it.

        componentExpression - - ValueExpression representing a component value expression (typically specified by the component attribute of a custom tag)
        context - - FacesContext for the current request
        componentType - - Component type to create if the ValueExpression does not return a component instance
        FacesException - if a UIComponent cannot be created
        NullPointerException - if any parameter is null

        A default implementation is provided that throws UnsupportedOperationException so that users that decorate Application can continue to function

      • createComponent

        public UIComponent createComponent​(jakarta.el.ValueExpression componentExpression,
                                           FacesContext context,
                                           String componentType,
                                           String rendererType)
        componentExpression -
        context -
        componentType -
        rendererType -
      • createConverter

        public abstract Converter createConverter​(Class<?> targetClass)

        Instantiate and return a new Converter instance of the class that has registered itself as capable of performing conversions for objects of the specified type. If no such Converter class can be identified, return null.

        To locate an appropriate Converter class, the following algorithm is performed, stopping as soon as an appropriate Converter class is found: Locate a Converter registered for the target class itself. Locate a Converter registered for interfaces that are implemented by the target class (directly or indirectly). Locate a Converter registered for the superclass (if any) of the target class, recursively working up the inheritance hierarchy.

        If the Converter has a single argument constructor that accepts a Class, instantiate the Converter using that constructor, passing the argument targetClass as the sole argument. Otherwise, simply use the zero-argument constructor.

        targetClass - - Target class for which to return a Converter
        FacesException - if the Converter cannot be created
        NullPointerException - if targetClass is null
      • createConverter

        public abstract Converter createConverter​(String converterId)
        Instantiate and return a new Converter instance of the class specified by a previous call to addConverter() for the specified converter id. If there is no such registration for this converter id, return null.
        converterId - - The converter id for which to create and return a new Converter instance
        FacesException - if the Converter cannot be created
        NullPointerException - if converterId is null
      • createValidator

        public abstract Validator createValidator​(String validatorId)
                                           throws FacesException
        Instantiate and return a new Validator instance of the class specified by a previous call to addValidator() for the specified validator id.
        validatorId - The Validator id for which to create and return a new Validator instance
        FacesException - if a Validator of the specified id cannot be created
        NullPointerException - if validatorId is null
      • evaluateExpressionGet

        public <T> T evaluateExpressionGet​(FacesContext context,
                                           String expression,
                                           Class<? extends T> expectedType)
                                    throws jakarta.el.ELException

        Get a value by evaluating an expression.

        Call getExpressionFactory() then call ExpressionFactory.createValueExpression(jakarta.el.ELContext, java.lang.String, java.lang.Class) passing the argument expression and expectedType. Call FacesContext.getELContext() and pass it to ValueExpression.getValue(jakarta.el.ELContext), returning the result.

        An implementation is provided that throws UnsupportedOperationException so that users that decorate the Application continue to work.

      • getActionListener

        public abstract ActionListener getActionListener()

        Return the default ActionListener to be registered for all ActionSource components in this appication. If not explicitly set, a default implementation must be provided that performs the following functions:

        • The processAction() method must first call FacesContext.renderResponse()in order to bypass any intervening lifecycle phases, once the method returns.
        • The processAction() method must next determine the logical outcome of this event, as follows:
        • If the originating component has a non-null action property, retrieve the MethodExpression from the property, and call invoke() on it. Convert the returned value (if any) to a String, and use it as the logical outcome.
        • Otherwise, the logical outcome is null.
        • The processAction() method must finally retrieve the NavigationHandler instance for this application and call NavigationHandler.handleNavigation(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) passing:
        • the FacesContext for the current request
        • If there is a MethodExpression instance for the action property of this component, the result of calling Expression.getExpressionString() on it, null otherwise
        • the logical outcome as determined above

        Note that the specification for the default ActionListener contiues to call for the use of a deprecated property (action) and class (MethodExpression). Unfortunately, this is necessary because the default ActionListener must continue to work with components that do not implement ActionSource2, and only implement ActionSource.

      • getBehaviorIds

        public Iterator<String> getBehaviorIds()
        2.0 FIXME: Notify EG, this should not be abstract and throw UnsupportedOperationException
      • getComponentTypes

        public abstract Iterator<String> getComponentTypes()
        Return an Iterator over the set of currently defined component types for this Application.
      • getConverterIds

        public abstract Iterator<String> getConverterIds()
        Return an Iterator over the set of currently registered converter ids for this Application
      • getConverterTypes

        public abstract Iterator<Class<?>> getConverterTypes()
        Return an Iterator over the set of Class instances for which Converter classeshave been explicitly registered.
      • getDefaultLocale

        public abstract Locale getDefaultLocale()
        Return the default Locale for this application. If not explicitly set, null is returned.
      • getDefaultRenderKitId

        public abstract String getDefaultRenderKitId()
        Return the renderKitId to be used for rendering this application. If not explicitly set, null is returned.
      • getDefaultValidatorInfo

        public Map<String,​String> getDefaultValidatorInfo()
      • getELContextListeners

        public jakarta.el.ELContextListener[] getELContextListeners()

        If no calls have been made to addELContextListener(jakarta.el.ELContextListener), this method must return an empty array


        Otherwise, return an array representing the list of listeners added by calls to addELContextListener(jakarta.el.ELContextListener).

        An implementation is provided that throws UnsupportedOperationException so that users that decorate the Application continue to work.

      • getELResolver

        public jakarta.el.ELResolver getELResolver()
        Return the singleton ELResolver instance to be used for all EL resolution. This is actually an instance of CompositeELResolver that must contain the following ELResolver instances in the following order:
        • ELResolver instances declared using the <el-resolver> element in the application configuration resources.
        • An implementation that wraps the head of the legacy VariableResolver chain, as per section VariableResolver ChainWrapper in Chapter 5 in the spec document.
        • An implementation that wraps the head of the legacy PropertyResolver chain, as per section PropertyResolver ChainWrapper in Chapter 5 in the spec document.
        • Any ELResolver instances added by calls to addELResolver(jakarta.el.ELResolver).
        • The default implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException and is provided for the sole purpose of not breaking existing applications that extend Application.
      • getMessageBundle

        public abstract String getMessageBundle()
        Return the fully qualified class name of the ResourceBundle to be used for JavaServer Faces messages for this application. If not explicitly set, null is returned.
      • getNavigationHandler

        public abstract NavigationHandler getNavigationHandler()
        Return the NavigationHandler instance that will be passed the outcome returned by any invoked application action for this web application. If not explicitly set, a default implementation must be provided that performs the functions described in the NavigationHandler class description.
      • getProjectStage

        public ProjectStage getProjectStage()

        Return the project stage for the currently running application instance. The default value is ProjectStage.Production

        The implementation of this method must perform the following algorithm or an equivalent with the same end result to determine the value to return.

        • If the value has already been determined by a previous call to this method, simply return that value.
        • Look for a JNDI environment entry under the key given by the value of ProjectStage.PROJECT_STAGE_JNDI_NAME (return type of java.lang.String). If found, continue with the algorithm below, otherwise, look for an entry in the initParamMap of the ExternalContext from the current FacesContext with the key ProjectStage.PROJECT_STAGE_PARAM_NAME
        • If a value is found found, see if an enum constant can be obtained by calling ProjectStage.valueOf(), passing the value from the initParamMap. If this succeeds without exception, save the value and return it.
        • If not found, or any of the previous attempts to discover the enum constant value have failed, log a descriptive error message, assign the value as ProjectStage.Production and return it.
      • getResourceBundle

        public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle​(FacesContext ctx,
                                                String name)

        Find a ResourceBundle as defined in the application configuration resources under the specified name. If a ResourceBundle was defined for the name, return an instance that uses the locale of the current UIViewRoot.

        The default implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException and is provided for the sole purpose of not breaking existing applications that extend this class.

        ResourceBundle for the current UIViewRoot, otherwise null
        FacesException - if a bundle was defined, but not resolvable
        NullPointerException - if ctx == null || name == null
      • getResourceHandler

        public ResourceHandler getResourceHandler()

        Return the singleton, stateless, thread-safe ResourceHandler for this application. The JSF implementation must support the following techniques for declaring an alternate implementation of ResourceHandler.

        • The ResourceHandler implementation is declared in the application configuration resources by giving the fully qualified class name as the value of the <resource-handler> element within the application element.
        • RELEASE_PENDING(edburns) It can also be declared via an annotation as specified in [287-ConfigAnnotations].

        In all of the above cases, the runtime must employ the decorator pattern as for every other pluggable artifact in JSF.

      • getStateManager

        public abstract StateManager getStateManager()
        Return the StateManager instance that will be utilized during the Restore View and Render Response phases of the request processing lifecycle. If not explicitly set, a default implementation must be provided that performs the functions described in the StateManager description in the JavaServer Faces Specification.
      • getSupportedLocales

        public abstract Iterator<Locale> getSupportedLocales()
        Return an Iterator over the supported Locales for this appication.
      • getValidatorIds

        public abstract Iterator<String> getValidatorIds()
        Return an Iterator over the set of currently registered validator ids for this Application.
      • getViewHandler

        public abstract ViewHandler getViewHandler()
        Set the ViewHandler instance that will be utilized during the Restore View and Render Response phases of the request processing lifecycle.
      • publishEvent

        public void publishEvent​(FacesContext facesContext,
                                 Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEventClass,
                                 Class<?> sourceBaseType,
                                 Object source)
        facesContext -
        systemEventClass -
        sourceBaseType -
        source -
      • removeELContextListener

        public void removeELContextListener​(jakarta.el.ELContextListener listener)

        Remove the argument listener from the list of ELContextListeners. If listener is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed. If listener is not in the list, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.

        An implementation is provided that throws UnsupportedOperationException so that users that decorate the Application continue to work.

        listener -
      • setDefaultLocale

        public abstract void setDefaultLocale​(Locale locale)
        Set the default Locale for this application.
        locale - - The new default Locale
        NullPointerException - if listener is null
      • setDefaultRenderKitId

        public abstract void setDefaultRenderKitId​(String renderKitId)
        Return the renderKitId to be used for rendering this application. If not explicitly set, null is returned.
        renderKitId -
      • setMessageBundle

        public abstract void setMessageBundle​(String bundle)
        Set the fully qualified class name of the ResourceBundle to be used for JavaServer Faces messages for this application. See the JavaDocs for the java.util.ResourceBundle class for more information about the syntax for resource bundle names.
        bundle - - Base name of the resource bundle to be used
        NullPointerException - if bundle is null
      • setNavigationHandler

        public abstract void setNavigationHandler​(NavigationHandler handler)
        Set the NavigationHandler instance that will be passed the outcome returned by any invoked application action for this web application.
        handler - - The new NavigationHandler instance
      • setResourceHandler

        public void setResourceHandler​(ResourceHandler resourceHandler)
        resourceHandler -
      • setStateManager

        public abstract void setStateManager​(StateManager manager)
        Set the StateManager instance that will be utilized during the Restore View and Render Response phases of the request processing lifecycle.
        manager - The new StateManagerinstance
        IllegalStateException - if this method is called after at least one request has been processed by the Lifecycle instance for this application.
        NullPointerException - if manager is null
      • setSupportedLocales

        public abstract void setSupportedLocales​(Collection<Locale> locales)
        Set the Locale instances representing the supported Locales for this application.
        locales - The set of supported Locales for this application
        NullPointerException - if the argument newLocales is null.
      • setViewHandler

        public abstract void setViewHandler​(ViewHandler handler)
        Set the ViewHandler instance that will be utilized during the Restore View and Render Response phases of the request processing lifecycle.
        handler - - The new ViewHandler instance
        IllegalStateException - if this method is called after at least one request has been processed by the Lifecycle instance for this application.
        NullPointerException - if handler is null
      • subscribeToEvent

        public void subscribeToEvent​(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEventClass,
                                     Class<?> sourceClass,
                                     SystemEventListener listener)
        systemEventClass -
        sourceClass -
        listener -
      • subscribeToEvent

        public void subscribeToEvent​(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEventClass,
                                     SystemEventListener listener)
        systemEventClass -
        listener -
      • unsubscribeFromEvent

        public void unsubscribeFromEvent​(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEventClass,
                                         Class<?> sourceClass,
                                         SystemEventListener listener)
        systemEventClass -
        sourceClass -
        listener -
      • unsubscribeFromEvent

        public void unsubscribeFromEvent​(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEventClass,
                                         SystemEventListener listener)
        systemEventClass -
        listener -
      • getFlowHandler

        public FlowHandler getFlowHandler()
      • setFlowHandler

        public void setFlowHandler​(FlowHandler flowHandler)
        flowHandler -
      • setSearchExpressionHandler

        public void setSearchExpressionHandler​(SearchExpressionHandler searchExpressionHandler)
        searchExpressionHandler -