Class FacesServletMapping

  • public class FacesServletMapping
    extends Object
    Represents a mapping entry of the FacesServlet in the web.xml configuration file.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FacesServletMapping

        public FacesServletMapping()
    • Method Detail

      • createPrefixMapping

        public static FacesServletMapping createPrefixMapping​(String path)
        Creates a new FacesServletMapping object using prefix mapping.
        path - The path ("/faces", for example) which has been specified in the url-pattern of the FacesServlet mapping.
        a newly created FacesServletMapping
      • createExtensionMapping

        public static FacesServletMapping createExtensionMapping​(String extension)
        Creates a new FacesServletMapping object using extension mapping.
        extension - The extension (".jsf", for example) which has been specified in the url-pattern of the FacesServlet mapping.
        a newly created FacesServletMapping
      • getPrefix

        public String getPrefix()
        Returns the path ("/faces", for example) which has been specified in the url-pattern of the FacesServlet mapping. If this mapping is based on an extension, null will be returned. Note that this path is not the same as the specified url-pattern as the trailing "/*" is omitted.
        the path which has been specified in the url-pattern
      • setPrefix

        public void setPrefix​(String path)
        Sets the path ("/faces/", for example) which has been specified in the url-pattern.
        path - The path which has been specified in the url-pattern
      • getExtension

        public String getExtension()
        Returns the extension (".jsf", for example) which has been specified in the url-pattern of the FacesServlet mapping. If this mapping is not based on an extension, null will be returned.
        the extension which has been specified in the url-pattern
      • setExtension

        public void setExtension​(String extension)
        Sets the extension (".jsf", for example) which has been specified in the url-pattern of the FacesServlet mapping.
        extension - The extension which has been specified in the url-pattern
      • isExtensionMapping

        public boolean isExtensionMapping()
        Indicates whether this mapping is based on an extension (e.g. ".jsp").
        true, if this mapping is based is on an extension, false otherwise
      • isPrefixMapping

        public boolean isPrefixMapping()
        Indicates whether this mapping is based on a prefix (e.g. /faces/*").
        true, if this mapping is based is on a prefix, false otherwise
      • getUrlPattern

        public String getUrlPattern()
        Returns the url-pattern entry for this servlet mapping.
        the url-pattern entry for this servlet mapping
      • getExact

        public String getExact()
      • setExact

        public void setExact​(String exact)
      • isExactMapping

        public boolean isExactMapping()