Class ConcurrentLRUCache<K,​V>

  • public class ConcurrentLRUCache<K,​V>
    extends Object
    A LRU cache implementation based upon ConcurrentHashMap and other techniques to reduce contention and synchronization overhead to utilize multiple CPU cores more effectively.

    Note that the implementation does not follow a true LRU (least-recently-used) eviction strategy. Instead it strives to remove least recently used items but when the initial cleanup does not remove enough items to reach the 'acceptableWaterMark' limit, it can remove more items forcefully regardless of access order.

    See org.apache.solr.util.ConcurrentLRUCache
    solr 1.4
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConcurrentLRUCache

        public ConcurrentLRUCache​(int upperWaterMark,
                                  int lowerWaterMark,
                                  int acceptableWatermark,
                                  int initialSize,
                                  boolean runCleanupThread,
                                  boolean runNewThreadForCleanup,
                                  ConcurrentLRUCache.EvictionListener<K,​V> evictionListener)
      • ConcurrentLRUCache

        public ConcurrentLRUCache​(int size,
                                  int lowerWatermark)
    • Method Detail

      • setAlive

        public void setAlive​(boolean live)
      • get

        public V get​(K key)
      • remove

        public V remove​(K key)
      • put

        public V put​(K key,
                     V val)
      • getOldestAccessedItems

        public Map<K,​V> getOldestAccessedItems​(int n)
        Returns 'n' number of oldest accessed entries present in this cache. This uses a TreeSet to collect the 'n' oldest items ordered by ascending last access time and returns a LinkedHashMap containing 'n' or less than 'n' entries.
        n - the number of oldest items needed
        a LinkedHashMap containing 'n' or less than 'n' entries
      • getLatestAccessedItems

        public Map<K,​V> getLatestAccessedItems​(int n)
      • size

        public int size()
      • clear

        public void clear()
      • getMap

        public Map<Object,​org.apache.myfaces.util.lang.ConcurrentLRUCache.CacheEntry<K,​V>> getMap()
      • destroy

        public void destroy()