Class LocationMethodExpression

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FacesWrapper<jakarta.el.MethodExpression>, Externalizable, Serializable, LocationAware

    public class LocationMethodExpression
    extends jakarta.el.MethodExpression
    implements FacesWrapper<jakarta.el.MethodExpression>, Externalizable, LocationAware
    A MethodExpression that contains the original MethodExpression and the Location of the facelet file from which the MethodExpression was created. This is needed when the current composite component (cc) has to be resolved by the MethodExpression, because #{cc} refers to the composite component which is implemented in the file the MethodExpression comes from and not the one currently on top of the composite component stack. This MethodExpression implementation passes through all methods to the delegate MethodExpression, but saves the related composite component in a FacesContext attribute before the invocation of the method on the delegate and removes it afterwards.
    $Revision$ $Date$
    Jakob Korherr (latest modification by $Author$)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocationMethodExpression

        public LocationMethodExpression()
      • LocationMethodExpression

        public LocationMethodExpression​(Location location,
                                        jakarta.el.MethodExpression delegate)
      • LocationMethodExpression

        public LocationMethodExpression​(Location location,
                                        jakarta.el.MethodExpression delegate,
                                        int ccLevel)