Interface Authorizable

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Authorizable
  • Method Details

    • getParentAuthorizable

      Authorizable getParentAuthorizable()
      The parent for this Authorizable. May be null.
      the parent authorizable or null
    • getResource

      Resource getResource()
      The Resource for this Authorizable.
      the resource
    • getRequestedResource

      default Resource getRequestedResource()
      The originally requested resource for this Authorizable. Because policies are inherited, if a resource does not have a policy, this Authorizable may represent a parent resource and this method will return the originally requested resource.
      the originally requested resource
    • isAuthorized

      default boolean isAuthorized(Authorizer authorizer, RequestAction action, NiFiUser user)
      Returns whether the current user is authorized for the specified action on the specified resource. This method does not imply the user is directly attempting to access the specified resource. If the user is attempting a direct access use Authorizable.authorize().
      authorizer - authorizer
      action - action
      is authorized
    • checkAuthorization

      default AuthorizationResult checkAuthorization(Authorizer authorizer, RequestAction action, NiFiUser user, Map<String,String> resourceContext)
      Returns the result of an authorization request for the specified user for the specified action on the specified resource. This method does not imply the user is directly attempting to access the specified resource. If the user is attempting a direct access use Authorizable.authorize().
      authorizer - authorizer
      action - action
      user - user
      is authorized
    • checkAuthorization

      default AuthorizationResult checkAuthorization(Authorizer authorizer, RequestAction action, NiFiUser user)
      Returns the result of an authorization request for the specified user for the specified action on the specified resource. This method does not imply the user is directly attempting to access the specified resource. If the user is attempting a direct access use Authorizable.authorize().
      authorizer - authorizer
      action - action
      user - user
      is authorized
    • authorize

      default void authorize(Authorizer authorizer, RequestAction action, NiFiUser user, Map<String,String> resourceContext) throws AccessDeniedException
      Authorizes the current user for the specified action on the specified resource. This method does imply the user is directly accessing the specified resource.
      authorizer - authorizer
      action - action
      user - user
      resourceContext - resource context
    • authorize

      default void authorize(Authorizer authorizer, RequestAction action, NiFiUser user) throws AccessDeniedException
      Authorizes the current user for the specified action on the specified resource. This method does imply the user is directly accessing the specified resource.
      authorizer - authorizer
      action - action
      user - user