Class StandardTlsConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StandardTlsConfiguration extends Object implements TlsConfiguration
This class serves as a concrete immutable domain object (acting as an internal DTO) for the various keystore and truststore configuration settings necessary for building SSLContexts.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • StandardTlsConfiguration

      public StandardTlsConfiguration()
      Default constructor present for testing and completeness.
    • StandardTlsConfiguration

      public StandardTlsConfiguration(String keystorePath, String keystorePassword, KeystoreType keystoreType, String truststorePath, String truststorePassword, KeystoreType truststoreType)
      Instantiates a container object with the given configuration values.
      keystorePath - the keystore path
      keystorePassword - the keystore password
      keystoreType - the keystore type
      truststorePath - the truststore path
      truststorePassword - the truststore password
      truststoreType - the truststore type
    • StandardTlsConfiguration

      public StandardTlsConfiguration(String keystorePath, String keystorePassword, String keyPassword, KeystoreType keystoreType, String truststorePath, String truststorePassword, KeystoreType truststoreType)
      Instantiates a container object with the given configuration values.
      keystorePath - the keystore path
      keystorePassword - the keystore password
      keyPassword - the key password
      keystoreType - the keystore type
      truststorePath - the truststore path
      truststorePassword - the truststore password
      truststoreType - the truststore type
    • StandardTlsConfiguration

      public StandardTlsConfiguration(String keystorePath, String keystorePassword, String keyPassword, String keystoreType, String truststorePath, String truststorePassword, String truststoreType)
      Instantiates a container object with the given configuration values.
      keystorePath - the keystore path
      keystorePassword - the keystore password
      keyPassword - the key password
      keystoreType - the keystore type as a String
      truststorePath - the truststore path
      truststorePassword - the truststore password
      truststoreType - the truststore type as a String
    • StandardTlsConfiguration

      public StandardTlsConfiguration(String keystorePath, String keystorePassword, String keyPassword, String keystoreType, String truststorePath, String truststorePassword, String truststoreType, String protocol)
      Instantiates a container object with the given configuration values.
      keystorePath - the keystore path
      keystorePassword - the keystore password
      keyPassword - the (optional) key password -- if null, the keystore password is assumed the same for the individual key
      keystoreType - the keystore type as a String
      truststorePath - the truststore path
      truststorePassword - the truststore password
      truststoreType - the truststore type as a String
      protocol - the TLS protocol version string
    • StandardTlsConfiguration

      public StandardTlsConfiguration(String keystorePath, String keystorePassword, String keyPassword, KeystoreType keystoreType, String truststorePath, String truststorePassword, KeystoreType truststoreType, String protocol)
      Instantiates a container object with the given configuration values.
      keystorePath - the keystore path
      keystorePassword - the keystore password
      keyPassword - the (optional) key password -- if null, the keystore password is assumed the same for the individual key
      keystoreType - the keystore type
      truststorePath - the truststore path
      truststorePassword - the truststore password
      truststoreType - the truststore type
      protocol - the TLS protocol version string
    • StandardTlsConfiguration

      public StandardTlsConfiguration(TlsConfiguration other)
      Instantiates a container object with a deep copy of the given configuration values.
      other - the configuration to copy
  • Method Details