Interface EdmAnnotatable

All Known Subinterfaces:
EdmAction, EdmActionImport, EdmAnd, EdmAnnotation, EdmAnnotations, EdmApply, EdmBindingTarget, EdmCast, EdmComplexType, EdmEntityContainer, EdmEntitySet, EdmEntityType, EdmEq, EdmFunction, EdmFunctionImport, EdmGe, EdmGt, EdmIf, EdmIsOf, EdmLabeledElement, EdmLe, EdmLogicalOrComparisonExpression, EdmLt, EdmMember, EdmNavigationProperty, EdmNe, EdmNot, EdmNull, EdmOnDelete, EdmOperation, EdmOperationImport, EdmOr, EdmParameter, EdmProperty, EdmPropertyValue, EdmRecord, EdmReferentialConstraint, EdmSchema, EdmSingleton, EdmStructuredType, EdmTerm, EdmTypeDefinition, EdmUrlRef

public interface EdmAnnotatable
Can be applied to CSDL elements as described in the Conceptual Schema Definition Language.
  • Method Details

    • getAnnotation

      EdmAnnotation getAnnotation(EdmTerm term, String qualifier)
      term - term used for the annotation. MUST NOT be null.
      qualifier - for the term. Can be NULL
      annotation according to term
    • getAnnotations

      List<EdmAnnotation> getAnnotations()
      Get list of all annotations.
      list of all annotations