Interface FileKeyMaterialStore

    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize​(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path parquetFilePath,
                        org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoopConfig,
                        boolean tempStore)
        Initializes key material store for a parquet file.
        parquetFilePath - Parquet file path
        hadoopConfig - Hadoop configuration
        tempStore - set true if this is a temporary store, used in key rotation
      • addKeyMaterial

        void addKeyMaterial​(String keyIDInFile,
                            String keyMaterial)
        Add key material for one encryption key.
        keyIDInFile - ID of the key in Parquet file
        keyMaterial - key material
      • saveMaterial

        void saveMaterial()
        After key material was added for all keys in the given Parquet file, save material in persistent store.
      • getKeyMaterial

        String getKeyMaterial​(String keyIDInFile)
        Get key material
        keyIDInFile - ID of a key in Parquet file
        key material
      • getKeyIDSet

        Set<String> getKeyIDSet()
        Set of all key IDs in this store (for the given Parquet file)
      • removeMaterial

        void removeMaterial()
        Remove key material from persistent store. Used in key rotation.
      • moveMaterialTo

        void moveMaterialTo​(FileKeyMaterialStore targetKeyMaterialStore)
        Move key material to another store. Used in key rotation.
        targetKeyMaterialStore - target store