Class ParquetRecordWriter<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of the materialized records

    public class ParquetRecordWriter<T>
    extends org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter<Void,​T>
    Writes records to a Parquet file
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParquetRecordWriter

        public ParquetRecordWriter​(ParquetFileWriter w,
                                   WriteSupport<T> writeSupport,
                                   MessageType schema,
                                   Map<String,​String> extraMetaData,
                                   int blockSize,
                                   int pageSize,
                                   CodecFactory.BytesCompressor compressor,
                                   int dictionaryPageSize,
                                   boolean enableDictionary,
                                   boolean validating,
                                   ParquetProperties.WriterVersion writerVersion)
        w - the file to write to
        writeSupport - the class to convert incoming records
        schema - the schema of the records
        extraMetaData - extra meta data to write in the footer of the file
        blockSize - the size of a block in the file (this will be approximate)
        pageSize - the size of a page in the file (this will be approximate)
        compressor - the compressor used to compress the pages
        dictionaryPageSize - the threshold for dictionary size
        enableDictionary - to enable the dictionary
        validating - if schema validation should be turned on
        writerVersion - writer compatibility version
      • ParquetRecordWriter

        public ParquetRecordWriter​(ParquetFileWriter w,
                                   WriteSupport<T> writeSupport,
                                   MessageType schema,
                                   Map<String,​String> extraMetaData,
                                   long blockSize,
                                   int pageSize,
                                   CodecFactory.BytesCompressor compressor,
                                   int dictionaryPageSize,
                                   boolean enableDictionary,
                                   boolean validating,
                                   ParquetProperties.WriterVersion writerVersion,
                                   MemoryManager memoryManager)
        w - the file to write to
        writeSupport - the class to convert incoming records
        schema - the schema of the records
        extraMetaData - extra meta data to write in the footer of the file
        blockSize - the size of a block in the file (this will be approximate)
        pageSize - the size of a page in the file (this will be approximate)
        compressor - the compressor used to compress the pages
        dictionaryPageSize - the threshold for dictionary size
        enableDictionary - to enable the dictionary
        validating - if schema validation should be turned on
        writerVersion - writer compatibility version
        memoryManager - memory manager for the write