Class ProtoReadSupport<T extends>

  • public class ProtoReadSupport<T extends>
    extends ReadSupport<T>
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProtoReadSupport

        public ProtoReadSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • setRequestedProjection

        public static void setRequestedProjection​(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration configuration,
                                                  String requestedProjection)
      • setProtobufClass

        public static void setProtobufClass​(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration configuration,
                                            String protobufClass)
        Set name of protobuf class to be used for reading data. If no class is set, value from file header is used. Note that the value in header is present only if the file was written using parquet-protobuf project, it will fail otherwise.
        configuration - a configuration
        protobufClass - a fully-qualified protobuf class name