Package org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel

Interface Summary
IBody An IBody represents the different parts of the document which can contain collections of Paragraphs and Tables.
IBodyElement 9 Jan 2010
ICell Interface for anything that can be at a table cell level: XWPFTableCell, XWPFSDTCell
IRunBody Simple interface describing both XWPFParagraph and XWPFSDT
IRunElement Common interface for things that can occur where a run (text with common stylings) can, eg XWPFRun or XWPFSDT.
ISDTContent Experimental interface to offer rudimentary read-only processing of of the contentblock of an SDT/ContentControl.
ISDTContents Interface for anything that can be within an SDT: XWPFRun, XWPFTable, XWPFParagraph, XWPFSDT etc

Class Summary
AbstractXWPFSDT Experimental abstract class that is a base for XWPFSDT and XWPFSDTCell
PositionInParagraph postion of a character in a paragrapho 1st RunPositon 2nd TextPosition 3rd CharacterPosition
TextSegement saves the begin and end position of a text in a Paragraph
XWPFComment Sketch of XWPF comment class
XWPFDefaultParagraphStyle Default Paragraph style, from which other styles will override TODO Share logic with XWPFParagraph which also uses CTPPr
XWPFDefaultRunStyle Default Character Run style, from which other styles will override TODO Share logic with XWPFRun which also uses CTRPr
XWPFDocument High(ish) level class for working with .docx files.
XWPFFactory Instantiates sub-classes of POIXMLDocumentPart depending on their relationship type
XWPFFieldRun A run of text which is part of a field, such as Title of Page number or Author.
XWPFFooter Sketch of XWPF footer class
XWPFFootnotes Looks after the collection of Footnotes for a document
XWPFHeader Sketch of XWPF header class
XWPFHeaderFooter Parent of XWPF headers and footers
XWPFHyperlink Sketch of XWPF hyperlink class
XWPFHyperlinkRun A run of text with a Hyperlink applied to it.
XWPFNum TODO Bring more of the logic over from XWPFParagraph
XWPFParagraph A Paragraph within a Document, Table, Header etc.
XWPFPictureData Raw picture data, normally attached to a WordprocessingML Drawing.
XWPFRun XWPFRun object defines a region of text with a common set of properties
XWPFSDT Experimental class to offer rudimentary read-only processing of of StructuredDocumentTags/ContentControl
XWPFSDTCell Experimental class to offer rudimentary read-only processing of of StructuredDocumentTags/ContentControl that can appear in a table row as if a table cell.
XWPFSDTContent Experimental class to offer rudimentary read-only processing of of the contentblock of an SDT/ContentControl.
XWPFSDTContentCell Experimental class to offer rudimentary read-only processing of of the XWPFSDTCellContent.
XWPFStyles Holds details of built-in, default and user styles, which apply to tables / paragraphs / lists etc.
XWPFTable Sketch of XWPFTable class.
XWPFTableCell Represents a Cell within a XWPFTable.
XWPFTableRow A row within an XWPFTable.

Enum Summary
BodyElementType 9 Jan 2010
BodyType The different kinds of IBody that exist
Borders Specifies all types of borders which can be specified for WordprocessingML objects which have a border.
BreakClear Specifies the set of possible restart locations which may be used as to determine the next available line when a break's type attribute has a value of textWrapping.
BreakType Specifies the possible types of break characters in a WordprocessingML document.
LineSpacingRule Specifies the logic which shall be used to calculate the line spacing of the parent object when it is displayed in the document.
ParagraphAlignment Specifies all types of alignment which are available to be applied to objects in a WordprocessingML document
TextAlignment Specifies all types of vertical alignment which are available to be applied to of all text on each line displayed within a paragraph.
UnderlinePatterns Specifies the types of patterns which may be used to create the underline applied beneath the text in a run.
VerticalAlign Specifies possible values for the alignment of the contents of this run in relation to the default appearance of the run's text.