Class DIB

    • Method Detail

      • getSignature

        public int getSignature()
        DIB signature is 0x7A80 or 0x7A90
        Specified by:
        getSignature in class HSLFPictureData
        DIB signature (0x7A80 or 0x7A90)
      • setSignature

        public void setSignature​(int signature)
        Sets the DIB signature - either 0x7A80 or 0x7A90
        Specified by:
        setSignature in class HSLFPictureData
      • addBMPHeader

        public static byte[] addBMPHeader​(byte[] data)
      • formatImageForSlideshow

        protected byte[] formatImageForSlideshow​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from class: HSLFPictureData
        Formats the picture data for storage in the slideshow.

        Images stored in HSLFSlideShows are represented differently than when they are standalone files. The exact formatting differs for each image type.

        formatImageForSlideshow in class Bitmap
        data - Original image data. If these bytes were written to a disk, a common image viewer would be able to render the image.
        Formatted image representation.