Class RecordContainer

    • Field Detail

      • _children

        protected Record[] _children
    • Constructor Detail

      • RecordContainer

        public RecordContainer()
    • Method Detail

      • isAnAtom

        public boolean isAnAtom()
        We're not an atom
        Specified by:
        isAnAtom in class Record
      • findFirstOfType

        public Record findFirstOfType​(long type)
        Finds the first child record of the given type, or null if none of the child records are of the given type. Does not descend.
      • removeChild

        public Record removeChild​(Record ch)
        Remove a child record from this record container
        ch - the child to remove
        the removed record
      • appendChildRecord

        public int appendChildRecord​(Record newChild)
        Add a new child record onto a record's list of children.
        newChild - the child record to be added
        the position of the added child within the list, i.e. the last index
      • addChildAfter

        public int addChildAfter​(Record newChild,
                                 Record after)
        Adds the given Child Record after the supplied record
        newChild - The record to add as new child.
        after - The record after which the given record should be added.
        the position of the added child within the list
      • addChildBefore

        public int addChildBefore​(Record newChild,
                                  Record before)
        Adds the given Child Record before the supplied record
        newChild - The record to add as new child.
        before - The record before which the given record should be added.
        the position of the added child within the list
      • setChildRecord

        public void setChildRecord​(Record[] records)
        Set child records.
        records - the new child records
      • writeOut

        public void writeOut​(byte headerA,
                             byte headerB,
                             long type,
                             Record[] children,
                             OutputStream out)
                      throws IOException
        Write out our header, and our children.
        headerA - the first byte of the header
        headerB - the second byte of the header
        type - the record type
        children - our child records
        out - the stream to write to
      • handleParentAwareRecords

        public static void handleParentAwareRecords​(RecordContainer br)
        Find the records that are parent-aware, and tell them who their parent is