Class HSLFSlideShowImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public final class HSLFSlideShowImpl
    extends POIDocument
    implements Closeable
    This class contains the main functionality for the Powerpoint file "reader". It is only a very basic class for now
    • Constructor Detail

      • HSLFSlideShowImpl

        public HSLFSlideShowImpl​(String fileName)
                          throws IOException
        Constructs a Powerpoint document from fileName. Parses the document and places all the important stuff into data structures.
        fileName - The name of the file to read.
        IOException - if there is a problem while parsing the document.
      • HSLFSlideShowImpl

        public HSLFSlideShowImpl​(InputStream inputStream)
                          throws IOException
        Constructs a Powerpoint document from an input stream. Parses the document and places all the important stuff into data structures.
        inputStream - the source of the data
        IOException - if there is a problem while parsing the document.
      • HSLFSlideShowImpl

        public HSLFSlideShowImpl​(POIFSFileSystem filesystem)
                          throws IOException
        Constructs a Powerpoint document from a POIFS Filesystem. Parses the document and places all the important stuff into data structures.
        filesystem - the POIFS FileSystem to read from
        IOException - if there is a problem while parsing the document.
      • HSLFSlideShowImpl

        public HSLFSlideShowImpl​(DirectoryNode dir)
                          throws IOException
        Constructs a Powerpoint document from a specific point in a POIFS Filesystem. Parses the document and places all the important stuff into data structures.
        dir - the POIFS directory to read from
        IOException - if there is a problem while parsing the document.
    • Method Detail

      • setMaxRecordLength

        public static void setMaxRecordLength​(int length)
        length - the max record length allowed for HSLFSlideShowImpl
      • getMaxRecordLength

        public static int getMaxRecordLength()
        the max record length allowed for HSLFSlideShowImpl
      • create

        public static HSLFSlideShowImpl create()
        Constructs a new, empty, Powerpoint document.
      • normalizeRecords

        public void normalizeRecords()
        remove duplicated UserEditAtoms and merge PersistPtrHolder, i.e. remove document edit history
      • updateAndWriteDependantRecords

        public void updateAndWriteDependantRecords​(OutputStream os,
                                                   Map<RecordTypes,​PositionDependentRecord> interestingRecords)
                                            throws IOException
        This is a helper functions, which is needed for adding new position dependent records or finally write the slideshow to a file.
        os - the stream to write to, if null only the references are updated
        interestingRecords - a map of interesting records (PersistPtrHolder and UserEditAtom) referenced by their RecordType. Only the very last of each type will be saved to the map. May be null, if not needed.
      • write

        public void write​(File newFile)
                   throws IOException
        Writes out the slideshow file the is represented by an instance of this class.

        This will write out only the common OLE2 streams. If you require all streams to be written out, use write(File, boolean) with preserveNodes set to true.

        Specified by:
        write in class POIDocument
        newFile - The File to write to.
        IOException - If there is an unexpected IOException from writing to the File
      • write

        public void write​(File newFile,
                          boolean preserveNodes)
                   throws IOException
        Writes out the slideshow file the is represented by an instance of this class. If you require all streams to be written out (eg Marcos, embedded documents), then set preserveNodes set to true
        newFile - The File to write to.
        preserveNodes - Should all OLE2 streams be written back out, or only the common ones?
        IOException - If there is an unexpected IOException from writing to the File
      • write

        public void write​(OutputStream out)
                   throws IOException
        Writes out the slideshow file the is represented by an instance of this class.

        This will write out only the common OLE2 streams. If you require all streams to be written out, use write(OutputStream, boolean) with preserveNodes set to true.

        Specified by:
        write in class POIDocument
        out - The OutputStream to write to.
        IOException - If there is an unexpected IOException from the passed in OutputStream
      • write

        public void write​(OutputStream out,
                          boolean preserveNodes)
                   throws IOException
        Writes out the slideshow file the is represented by an instance of this class. If you require all streams to be written out (eg Macros, embedded documents), then set preserveNodes set to true
        out - The OutputStream to write to.
        preserveNodes - Should all OLE2 streams be written back out, or only the common ones?
        IOException - If there is an unexpected IOException from the passed in OutputStream
      • appendRootLevelRecord

        public int appendRootLevelRecord​(Record newRecord)
        Adds a new root level record, at the end, but before the last PersistPtrIncrementalBlock.
      • addPicture

        public int addPicture​(HSLFPictureData img)
        Add a new picture to this presentation.
        offset of this picture in the Pictures stream
      • getRecords

        public Record[] getRecords()
        Returns an array of all the records found in the slideshow
      • getUnderlyingBytes

        public byte[] getUnderlyingBytes()
        Returns an array of the bytes of the file. Only correct after a call to open or write - at all other times might be wrong!
      • getCurrentUserAtom

        public CurrentUserAtom getCurrentUserAtom()
        Fetch the Current User Atom of the document
      • getPictureData

        public List<HSLFPictureData> getPictureData()
        Return list of pictures contained in this presentation
        list with the read pictures or an empty list if the presentation doesn't contain pictures.
      • getEmbeddedObjects

        public HSLFObjectData[] getEmbeddedObjects()
        Gets embedded object data from the slide show.
        the embedded objects.