Class PropertyNode<T extends PropertyNode<T>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyNode

        protected PropertyNode​(PropertyNode<T> other)
      • PropertyNode

        protected PropertyNode​(int fcStart,
                               int fcEnd,
                               Object buf)
        fcStart - The start of the text for this property, in characters.
        fcEnd - The end of the text for this property, in characters.
        buf - FIXME: Old documentation is: "grpprl The property description in compressed form."
    • Method Detail

      • getStart

        public int getStart()
        The start offset of this property's text.
      • setStart

        public void setStart​(int start)
      • getEnd

        public int getEnd()
        The offset of the end of this property's text.
      • setEnd

        public void setEnd​(int end)
      • adjustForDelete

        public void adjustForDelete​(int start,
                                    int length)
        Adjust for a deletion that can span multiple PropertyNodes.
      • limitsAreEqual

        protected boolean limitsAreEqual​(Object o)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object