Class ReplicatorStatsImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ReplicatorStatsImpl
    extends java.lang.Object
    Statistics about a replicator.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      boolean connected
      is the replication-subscriber up and running to replicate to remote cluster.
      java.lang.String inboundConnectedSince
      Timestamp of incoming connection establishment time.
      java.lang.String inboundConnection
      Address of incoming replication connection.
      double msgRateExpired
      Total rate of messages expired (msg/s).
      double msgRateIn
      Total rate of messages received from the remote cluster (msg/s).
      double msgRateOut
      Total rate of messages delivered to the replication-subscriber (msg/s).
      double msgThroughputIn
      Total throughput received from the remote cluster (bytes/s).
      double msgThroughputOut
      Total throughput delivered to the replication-subscriber (bytes/s).
      java.lang.String outboundConnectedSince
      Timestamp of outbound connection establishment time.
      java.lang.String outboundConnection
      Address of outbound replication connection.
      long replicationBacklog
      Number of messages pending to be replicated to remote cluster.
      long replicationDelayInSeconds
      Time in seconds from the time a message was produced to the time when it is about to be replicated.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ReplicatorStatsImpl add​(ReplicatorStatsImpl stats)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface

        getInboundConnectedSince, getInboundConnection, getMsgRateExpired, getMsgRateIn, getMsgRateOut, getMsgThroughputIn, getMsgThroughputOut, getOutboundConnectedSince, getOutboundConnection, getReplicationBacklog, getReplicationDelayInSeconds, isConnected
    • Field Detail

      • msgRateIn

        public double msgRateIn
        Total rate of messages received from the remote cluster (msg/s).
      • msgThroughputIn

        public double msgThroughputIn
        Total throughput received from the remote cluster (bytes/s).
      • msgRateOut

        public double msgRateOut
        Total rate of messages delivered to the replication-subscriber (msg/s).
      • msgThroughputOut

        public double msgThroughputOut
        Total throughput delivered to the replication-subscriber (bytes/s).
      • msgRateExpired

        public double msgRateExpired
        Total rate of messages expired (msg/s).
      • replicationBacklog

        public long replicationBacklog
        Number of messages pending to be replicated to remote cluster.
      • connected

        public boolean connected
        is the replication-subscriber up and running to replicate to remote cluster.
      • replicationDelayInSeconds

        public long replicationDelayInSeconds
        Time in seconds from the time a message was produced to the time when it is about to be replicated.
      • inboundConnection

        public java.lang.String inboundConnection
        Address of incoming replication connection.
      • inboundConnectedSince

        public java.lang.String inboundConnectedSince
        Timestamp of incoming connection establishment time.
      • outboundConnection

        public java.lang.String outboundConnection
        Address of outbound replication connection.
      • outboundConnectedSince

        public java.lang.String outboundConnectedSince
        Timestamp of outbound connection establishment time.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReplicatorStatsImpl

        public ReplicatorStatsImpl()