Class ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements LongPairSet
    Sorted concurrent LongPairSet which is not fully accurate in sorting. ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet creates separate ConcurrentLongPairSet for unique first-key of inserted item. So, it can iterate over all items by sorting on item's first key. However, item's second key will not be sorted. eg:
      insert: (1,2), (1,4), (2,1), (1,5), (2,6)
      while iterating set will first read all the entries for items whose first-key=1 and then first-key=2.
      output: (1,4), (1,5), (1,2), (2,6), (2,1)

    This map can be expensive and not recommended if set has to store large number of unique item.first's key because set has to create that many ConcurrentLongPairSet objects.

    • Field Detail

      • longPairSets

        protected final java.util.NavigableMap<java.lang.Long,​ConcurrentLongPairSet> longPairSets
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet

        public ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet()
      • ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet

        public ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet​(int expectedItems)
      • ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet

        public ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet​(int expectedItems,
                                           int concurrencyLevel)
      • ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet

        public ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet​(int expectedItems,
                                           int concurrencyLevel,
                                           boolean autoShrink)
      • ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet

        public ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet​(int expectedItems,
                                           int concurrencyLevel,
                                           int maxAllowedSetOnRemove)
      • ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet

        public ConcurrentSortedLongPairSet​(int expectedItems,
                                           int concurrencyLevel,
                                           int maxAllowedSetOnRemove,
                                           boolean autoShrink)