All Classes and Interfaces

Simple single ACL statement representation.
The Manager able to collect and build System Users and related ACL policies.
SPI to deploy artifacts
Encapsulates the VaultPackage assembler logic for the sling initial content extraction
Holds various context variables for the BundleSlingInitialContentExtractor
Extracts the sling initial content from a bundle to an
A converter exception is thrown when the conversion fails due to errors/problems in the converted source package(s).
Implementation of AbstractJcrNodeParser that builds and records paths of all elements (nodes) using the specified initial repository path.
Writes a CSV file containerFile,packageId,packageType[,parentId,pathInParent]
Represents a serializable docview node inside a tree hierarchy.
Holds information about discovered index definitions
Handler for Jackrabbit Oak index definitions
Writes index definitions in a JSON format that can be consumed by the oak-run tool.
Point of entry for logic related to handling Oak indexes
Simple namespace registry backed by a map
Stores the deployed artifacts in a local Maven repository layout.
Runtime exception variant of the converter exception to pass it through the operators/visitors
A Repo Path represents a path in the repository, for example when used in a repoinit section.
A simple resolver that is aware of the default "oak" prefix and namespace
Best-effort implementation of a FileVault archive only containing a single file.
ContentCreator implementation to write FileVault enhanced DocView XML files (to be packaged into a VaultPackage)
Extends the XMLReader to perform the activate method on construction, since it's protected.