Class MapEntry

    • Constructor Detail

      • MapEntry

        public MapEntry​(String url,
                        int status,
                        boolean trailingSlash,
                        long order,
                        String... redirect)
    • Method Detail

      • appendSlash

        public static String appendSlash​(String path)
      • getURI

        public static String getURI​(String scheme,
                                    String host,
                                    int port,
                                    String path)
        Returns a string used for matching map entries against the given request or URI parts.
        scheme - The URI scheme
        host - The host name
        port - The port number. If this is negative, the default value used is 80 unless the scheme is "https" in which case the default value is 443.
        path - The (absolute) path
        The request path string {scheme}://{host}:{port}{path}.
      • fixUriPath

        public static String fixUriPath​(String uriPath)
      • toURI

        public static String toURI​(String uriPath)
        Converts the resolution path of the form http/host.77/the/path into an URI of the form http://host:77/the/path where any potential default port (80 for http and 443 for https) is actually removed. If the path is just a regular path such as /the/path, this method returns null.
      • createResolveEntry

        public static MapEntry createResolveEntry​(String url,
                                                  boolean trailingSlash)
      • createMapEntry

        public static List<MapEntry> createMapEntry​(String url,
                                                    boolean trailingSlash)
      • replace

        public @Nullable String[] replace​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull String value)
        Replaces the specified value according to the rules of this entry
        value - the value to replace
        a replaced value of null if the value does not match
      • getPattern

        public String getPattern()
      • getRedirect

        public String[] getRedirect()
      • isInternal

        public boolean isInternal()
      • getStatus

        public int getStatus()