Class URI

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<URI>

    public class URI
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable, Comparable<URI>, Serializable
    The interface for the URI(Uniform Resource Identifiers) version of RFC 2396. This class has the purpose of supportting of parsing a URI reference to extend any specific protocols, the character encoding of the protocol to be transported and the charset of the document. A URI is always in an "escaped" form, since escaping or unescaping a completed URI might change its semantics. Implementers should be careful not to escape or unescape the same string more than once, since unescaping an already unescaped string might lead to misinterpreting a percent data character as another escaped character, or vice versa in the case of escaping an already escaped string. In order to avoid these problems, data types used as follows:
       URI character sequence: char
       octet sequence: byte
       original character sequence: String
    So, a URI is a sequence of characters as an array of a char type, which is not always represented as a sequence of octets as an array of byte. URI Syntactic Components
     - In general, written as follows:
       Absolute URI = <scheme><scheme-specific-part>
       Generic URI = <scheme>://<authority><path>?<query>
     - Syntax
       absoluteURI   = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
       hier_part     = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
       net_path      = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
       abs_path      = "/"  path_segments
    The following examples illustrate URI that are in common use.
        -- ftp scheme for File Transfer Protocol services
        -- gopher scheme for Gopher and Gopher+ Protocol services
        -- http scheme for Hypertext Transfer Protocol services
     mailto:[email protected]
        -- mailto scheme for electronic mail addresses
        -- news scheme for USENET news groups and articles
        -- telnet scheme for interactive services via the TELNET Protocol
    Please, notice that there are many modifications from URL(RFC 1738) and relative URL(RFC 1808). The expressions for a URI
     For escaped URI forms
      - URI(char[]) // constructor
      - char[] getRawXxx() // method
      - String getEscapedXxx() // method
      - String toString() // method
     For unescaped URI forms
      - URI(String) // constructor
      - String getXXX() // method
    This class is a slightly modified version of the URI class distributed with Http Client 3.1. The changes involve removing dependencies to other Http Client classes and the Commons Codec library. To this avail the following methods have been added to this class:
    • getBytes, getAsciiString, getString, getAsciiBytes has been copied from the Http Client 3.1 EncodingUtils class.
    • encodeUrl and decodeUrl have been copied from the Commons Codec URLCodec class.
    The signatures have been simplified and adapted to the use in this class. Also the exception thrown has been changed to be URIException.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • hash

        protected int hash
        Cache the hash code for this URI.
      • _uri

        protected char[] _uri
        This Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The URI is always in an "escaped" form, since escaping or unescaping a completed URI might change its semantics.
      • protocolCharset

        protected String protocolCharset
        The charset of the protocol used by this URI instance.
      • defaultProtocolCharset

        protected static String defaultProtocolCharset
        The default charset of the protocol. RFC 2277, 2396
      • defaultDocumentCharset

        protected static String defaultDocumentCharset
        The default charset of the document. RFC 2277, 2396 The platform's charset is used for the document by default.
      • defaultDocumentCharsetByLocale

        protected static String defaultDocumentCharsetByLocale
      • defaultDocumentCharsetByPlatform

        protected static String defaultDocumentCharsetByPlatform
      • _scheme

        protected char[] _scheme
        The scheme.
      • _opaque

        protected char[] _opaque
        The opaque.
      • _authority

        protected char[] _authority
        The authority.
      • _userinfo

        protected char[] _userinfo
        The userinfo.
      • _host

        protected char[] _host
        The host.
      • _port

        protected int _port
        The port.
      • _path

        protected char[] _path
        The path.
      • _query

        protected char[] _query
        The query.
      • _fragment

        protected char[] _fragment
        The fragment.
      • rootPath

        protected static final char[] rootPath
        The root path.
      • percent

        protected static final BitSet percent
        The percent "%" character always has the reserved purpose of being the escape indicator, it must be escaped as "%25" in order to be used as data within a URI.
      • digit

        protected static final BitSet digit
        BitSet for digit.
         digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
      • alpha

        protected static final BitSet alpha
        BitSet for alpha.
         alpha = lowalpha | upalpha
      • alphanum

        protected static final BitSet alphanum
        BitSet for alphanum (join of alpha & digit).
         alphanum = alpha | digit
      • hex

        protected static final BitSet hex
        BitSet for hex.
         hex = digit | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e"
             | "f"
      • escaped

        protected static final BitSet escaped
        BitSet for escaped.
         escaped       = "%" hex hex
      • mark

        protected static final BitSet mark
        BitSet for mark.
         mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "˜" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")"
      • unreserved

        protected static final BitSet unreserved
        Data characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved purpose are called unreserved.
         unreserved = alphanum | mark
      • reserved

        protected static final BitSet reserved
        BitSet for reserved.
         reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
      • uric

        protected static final BitSet uric
        BitSet for uric.
         uric = reserved | unreserved | escaped
      • fragment

        protected static final BitSet fragment
        BitSet for fragment (alias for uric).
         fragment      = *uric
      • query

        protected static final BitSet query
        BitSet for query (alias for uric).
         query         = *uric
      • pchar

        protected static final BitSet pchar
        BitSet for pchar.
         pchar = unreserved | escaped | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
      • param

        protected static final BitSet param
        BitSet for param (alias for pchar).
         param         = *pchar
      • segment

        protected static final BitSet segment
        BitSet for segment.
         segment       = *pchar *( ";" param )
      • path_segments

        protected static final BitSet path_segments
        BitSet for path segments.
         path_segments = segment *( "/" segment )
      • abs_path

        protected static final BitSet abs_path
        URI absolute path.
         abs_path      = "/"  path_segments
      • uric_no_slash

        protected static final BitSet uric_no_slash
        URI bitset for encoding typical non-slash characters.
         uric_no_slash = unreserved | escaped | ";" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+"
             | "$" | ","
      • opaque_part

        protected static final BitSet opaque_part
        URI bitset that combines uric_no_slash and uric.
         opaque_part = uric_no_slash * uric
      • path

        protected static final BitSet path
        URI bitset that combines absolute path and opaque part.
         path          = [ abs_path | opaque_part ]
      • port

        protected static final BitSet port
        Port, a logical alias for digit.
      • IPv4address

        protected static final BitSet IPv4address
        Bitset that combines digit and dot fo IPv$address.
         IPv4address   = 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit
      • IPv6address

        protected static final BitSet IPv6address
        RFC 2373.
         IPv6address = hexpart [ ":" IPv4address ]
      • IPv6reference

        protected static final BitSet IPv6reference
        RFC 2732, 2373.
         IPv6reference   = "[" IPv6address "]"
      • toplabel

        protected static final BitSet toplabel
        BitSet for toplabel.
         toplabel      = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
      • domainlabel

        protected static final BitSet domainlabel
        BitSet for domainlabel.
         domainlabel   = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
      • hostname

        protected static final BitSet hostname
        BitSet for hostname.
         hostname      = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
      • host

        protected static final BitSet host
        BitSet for host.
         host = hostname | IPv4address | IPv6reference
      • hostport

        protected static final BitSet hostport
        BitSet for hostport.
         hostport      = host [ ":" port ]
      • userinfo

        protected static final BitSet userinfo
        Bitset for userinfo.
         userinfo      = *( unreserved | escaped |
                            ";" | ":" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," )
      • within_userinfo

        public static final BitSet within_userinfo
        BitSet for within the userinfo component like user and password.
      • server

        protected static final BitSet server
        Bitset for server.
         server        = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
      • reg_name

        protected static final BitSet reg_name
        BitSet for reg_name.
         reg_name = 1 * (unreserved | escaped | "$" | "," | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+")
      • authority

        protected static final BitSet authority
        BitSet for authority.
         authority = server | reg_name
      • scheme

        protected static final BitSet scheme
        BitSet for scheme.
         scheme = alpha * (alpha | digit | "+" | "-" | ".")
      • rel_segment

        protected static final BitSet rel_segment
        BitSet for rel_segment.
         rel_segment = 1 * (unreserved | escaped | ";" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ",")
      • rel_path

        protected static final BitSet rel_path
        BitSet for rel_path.
         rel_path = rel_segment[abs_path]
      • net_path

        protected static final BitSet net_path
        BitSet for net_path.
         net_path      = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
      • hier_part

        protected static final BitSet hier_part
        BitSet for hier_part.
         hier_part     = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
      • relativeURI

        protected static final BitSet relativeURI
        BitSet for relativeURI.
         relativeURI   = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
      • absoluteURI

        protected static final BitSet absoluteURI
        BitSet for absoluteURI.
         absoluteURI   = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
      • URI_reference

        protected static final BitSet URI_reference
        BitSet for URI-reference.
         URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
      • control

        public static final BitSet control
        BitSet for control.
      • space

        public static final BitSet space
        BitSet for space.
      • delims

        public static final BitSet delims
        BitSet for delims.
      • unwise

        public static final BitSet unwise
        BitSet for unwise.
      • disallowed_rel_path

        public static final BitSet disallowed_rel_path
        Disallowed rel_path before escaping.
      • disallowed_opaque_part

        public static final BitSet disallowed_opaque_part
        Disallowed opaque_part before escaping.
      • allowed_authority

        public static final BitSet allowed_authority
        Those characters that are allowed for the authority component.
      • allowed_opaque_part

        public static final BitSet allowed_opaque_part
        Those characters that are allowed for the opaque_part.
      • allowed_reg_name

        public static final BitSet allowed_reg_name
        Those characters that are allowed for the reg_name.
      • allowed_userinfo

        public static final BitSet allowed_userinfo
        Those characters that are allowed for the userinfo component.
      • allowed_within_userinfo

        public static final BitSet allowed_within_userinfo
        Those characters that are allowed for within the userinfo component.
      • allowed_IPv6reference

        public static final BitSet allowed_IPv6reference
        Those characters that are allowed for the IPv6reference component. The characters '[', ']' in IPv6reference should be excluded.
      • allowed_host

        public static final BitSet allowed_host
        Those characters that are allowed for the host component. The characters '[', ']' in IPv6reference should be excluded.
      • allowed_within_authority

        public static final BitSet allowed_within_authority
        Those characters that are allowed for the authority component.
      • allowed_abs_path

        public static final BitSet allowed_abs_path
        Those characters that are allowed for the abs_path.
      • allowed_rel_path

        public static final BitSet allowed_rel_path
        Those characters that are allowed for the rel_path.
      • allowed_within_path

        public static final BitSet allowed_within_path
        Those characters that are allowed within the path.
      • allowed_query

        public static final BitSet allowed_query
        Those characters that are allowed for the query component.
      • allowed_within_query

        public static final BitSet allowed_within_query
        Those characters that are allowed within the query component.
      • allowed_fragment

        public static final BitSet allowed_fragment
        Those characters that are allowed for the fragment component.
      • _is_hier_part

        protected boolean _is_hier_part
      • _is_opaque_part

        protected boolean _is_opaque_part
      • _is_net_path

        protected boolean _is_net_path
      • _is_abs_path

        protected boolean _is_abs_path
      • _is_rel_path

        protected boolean _is_rel_path
      • _is_reg_name

        protected boolean _is_reg_name
      • _is_server

        protected boolean _is_server
      • _is_hostname

        protected boolean _is_hostname
      • _is_IPv4address

        protected boolean _is_IPv4address
      • _is_IPv6reference

        protected boolean _is_IPv6reference
    • Constructor Detail

      • URI

        protected URI()
        Create an instance as an internal use
      • URI

        public URI​(String s,
                   boolean escaped,
                   String charset)
            throws URIException,
        Construct a URI from a string with the given charset. The input string can be either in escaped or unescaped form.
        s - URI character sequence
        escaped - true if URI character sequence is in escaped form. false otherwise.
        charset - the charset string to do escape encoding, if required
        URIException - If the URI cannot be created.
        NullPointerException - if input string is null
        See Also:
      • URI

        public URI​(String s,
                   boolean escaped)
            throws URIException,
        Construct a URI from a string with the given charset. The input string can be either in escaped or unescaped form.
        s - URI character sequence
        escaped - true if URI character sequence is in escaped form. false otherwise.
        URIException - If the URI cannot be created.
        NullPointerException - if input string is null
        See Also:
      • URI

        public URI​(String scheme,
                   String schemeSpecificPart,
                   String fragment)
            throws URIException
        Construct a general URI from the given components.
           URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
           absoluteURI   = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
           opaque_part   = uric_no_slash *uric
        It's for absolute URI = <scheme>:<scheme-specific-part># <fragment>.
        scheme - the scheme string
        schemeSpecificPart - scheme_specific_part
        fragment - the fragment string
        URIException - If the URI cannot be created.
        See Also:
      • URI

        public URI​(String scheme,
                   String authority,
                   String path,
                   String query,
                   String fragment)
            throws URIException
        Construct a general URI from the given components.
           URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
           absoluteURI   = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
           relativeURI   = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
           hier_part     = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
        It's for absolute URI = <scheme>:<path>?<query>#< fragment> and relative URI = <path>?<query>#<fragment >.
        scheme - the scheme string
        authority - the authority string
        path - the path string
        query - the query string
        fragment - the fragment string
        URIException - If the new URI cannot be created.
        See Also:
      • URI

        public URI​(String scheme,
                   String userinfo,
                   String host,
                   int port)
            throws URIException
        Construct a general URI from the given components.
        scheme - the scheme string
        userinfo - the userinfo string
        host - the host string
        port - the port number
        URIException - If the new URI cannot be created.
        See Also:
      • URI

        public URI​(String scheme,
                   String userinfo,
                   String host,
                   int port,
                   String path)
            throws URIException
        Construct a general URI from the given components.
        scheme - the scheme string
        userinfo - the userinfo string
        host - the host string
        port - the port number
        path - the path string
        URIException - If the new URI cannot be created.
        See Also:
      • URI

        public URI​(String scheme,
                   String userinfo,
                   String host,
                   int port,
                   String path,
                   String query)
            throws URIException
        Construct a general URI from the given components.
        scheme - the scheme string
        userinfo - the userinfo string
        host - the host string
        port - the port number
        path - the path string
        query - the query string
        URIException - If the new URI cannot be created.
        See Also:
      • URI

        public URI​(String scheme,
                   String userinfo,
                   String host,
                   int port,
                   String path,
                   String query,
                   String fragment)
            throws URIException
        Construct a general URI from the given components.
        scheme - the scheme string
        userinfo - the userinfo string
        host - the host string
        port - the port number
        path - the path string
        query - the query string
        fragment - the fragment string
        URIException - If the new URI cannot be created.
        See Also:
      • URI

        public URI​(URI base,
                   String relative,
                   boolean escaped)
            throws URIException
        Construct a general URI with the given relative URI string.
        base - the base URI
        relative - the relative URI string
        escaped - true if URI character sequence is in escaped form. false otherwise.
        URIException - If the new URI cannot be created.
      • URI

        public URI​(URI base,
                   URI relative)
            throws URIException
        Construct a general URI with the given relative URI.
           URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
           relativeURI   = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
        Resolving Relative References to Absolute Form. Examples of Resolving Relative URI References Within an object with a well-defined base URI of
        the relative URI would be resolved as follows: Normal Examples
           g:h           =  g:h
           g             =  http://a/b/c/g
           ./g           =  http://a/b/c/g
           g/            =  http://a/b/c/g/
           /g            =  http://a/g
           //g           =  http://g
           ?y            =  http://a/b/c/?y
           g?y           =  http://a/b/c/g?y
           #s            =  (current document)#s
           g#s           =  http://a/b/c/g#s
           g?y#s         =  http://a/b/c/g?y#s
           ;x            =  http://a/b/c/;x
           g;x           =  http://a/b/c/g;x
           g;x?y#s       =  http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s
           .             =  http://a/b/c/
           ./            =  http://a/b/c/
           ..            =  http://a/b/
           ../           =  http://a/b/
           ../g          =  http://a/b/g
           ../..         =  http://a/
           ../../        =  http://a/
           ../../g       =  http://a/g
        Some URI schemes do not allow a hierarchical syntax matching the <hier_part> syntax, and thus cannot use relative references.
        base - the base URI
        relative - the relative URI
        URIException - If the new URI cannot be created.
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        protected static char[] encode​(String original,
                                       BitSet allowed,
                                       String charset)
                                throws URIException
        Encodes URI string. This is a two mapping, one from original characters to octets, and subsequently a second from octets to URI characters:
           original character sequence->octet sequence->URI character sequence
        An escaped octet is encoded as a character triplet, consisting of the percent character "%" followed by the two hexadecimal digits representing the octet code. For example, "%20" is the escaped encoding for the US-ASCII space character. Conversion from the local filesystem character set to UTF-8 will normally involve a two step process. First convert the local character set to the UCS; then convert the UCS to UTF-8. The first step in the process can be performed by maintaining a mapping table that includes the local character set code and the corresponding UCS code. The next step is to convert the UCS character code to the UTF-8 encoding. Mapping between vendor codepages can be done in a very similar manner as described above. The only time escape encodings can allowedly be made is when a URI is being created from its component parts. The escape and validate methods are internally performed within this method.
        original - the original character sequence
        allowed - those characters that are allowed within a component
        charset - the protocol charset
        URI character sequence
        URIException - null component or unsupported character encoding
      • decode

        protected static String decode​(char[] component,
                                       String charset)
                                throws URIException
        Decodes URI encoded string. This is a two mapping, one from URI characters to octets, and subsequently a second from octets to original characters:
           URI character sequence->octet sequence->original character sequence
        A URI must be separated into its components before the escaped characters within those components can be allowedly decoded. Notice that there is a chance that URI characters that are non UTF-8 may be parsed as valid UTF-8. A recent non-scientific analysis found that EUC encoded Japanese words had a 2.7% false reading; SJIS had a 0.0005% false reading; other encoding such as ASCII or KOI-8 have a 0% false reading. The percent "%" character always has the reserved purpose of being the escape indicator, it must be escaped as "%25" in order to be used as data within a URI. The unescape method is internally performed within this method.
        component - the URI character sequence
        charset - the protocol charset
        original character sequence
        URIException - incomplete trailing escape pattern or unsupported character encoding
      • decode

        protected static String decode​(String component,
                                       String charset)
                                throws URIException
        Decodes URI encoded string. This is a two mapping, one from URI characters to octets, and subsequently a second from octets to original characters:
           URI character sequence->octet sequence->original character sequence
        A URI must be separated into its components before the escaped characters within those components can be allowedly decoded. Notice that there is a chance that URI characters that are non UTF-8 may be parsed as valid UTF-8. A recent non-scientific analysis found that EUC encoded Japanese words had a 2.7% false reading; SJIS had a 0.0005% false reading; other encoding such as ASCII or KOI-8 have a 0% false reading. The percent "%" character always has the reserved purpose of being the escape indicator, it must be escaped as "%25" in order to be used as data within a URI. The unescape method is internally performed within this method.
        component - the URI character sequence
        charset - the protocol charset
        original character sequence
        URIException - incomplete trailing escape pattern or unsupported character encoding
      • prevalidate

        protected boolean prevalidate​(String component,
                                      BitSet disallowed)
        Pre-validate the unescaped URI string within a specific component.
        component - the component string within the component
        disallowed - those characters disallowed within the component
        if true, it doesn't have the disallowed characters if false, the component is undefined or an incorrect one
      • validate

        protected boolean validate​(char[] component,
                                   BitSet generous)
        Validate the URI characters within a specific component. The component must be performed after escape encoding. Or it doesn't include escaped characters.
        component - the characters sequence within the component
        generous - those characters that are allowed within a component
        if true, it's the correct URI character sequence
      • validate

        protected boolean validate​(char[] component,
                                   int soffset,
                                   int eoffset,
                                   BitSet generous)
        Validate the URI characters within a specific component. The component must be performed after escape encoding. Or it doesn't include escaped characters. It's not that much strict, generous. The strict validation might be performed before being called this method.
        component - the characters sequence within the component
        soffset - the starting offset of the given component
        eoffset - the ending offset of the given component if -1, it means the length of the component
        generous - those characters that are allowed within a component
        if true, it's the correct URI character sequence
      • parseUriReference

        protected void parseUriReference​(String original,
                                         boolean escaped)
                                  throws URIException
        In order to avoid any possilbity of conflict with non-ASCII characters, Parse a URI reference as a String with the character encoding of the local system or the document. The following line is the regular expression for breaking-down a URI reference into its components.
            12            3  4          5       6  7        8 9
        For example, matching the above expression to results in the following subexpression matches:
                       $1 = http:
          scheme    =  $2 = http
                       $3 = //
          authority =  $4 =
          path      =  $5 = /ietf/uri/
                       $6 = <undefined>
          query     =  $7 = <undefined>
                       $8 = #Related
          fragment  =  $9 = Related
        original - the original character sequence
        escaped - true if original is escaped
        URIException - If an error occurs.
      • indexFirstOf

        protected int indexFirstOf​(String s,
                                   String delims)
        Get the earlier index that to be searched for the first occurrance in one of any of the given string.
        s - the string to be indexed
        delims - the delimiters used to index
        the earlier index if there are delimiters
      • indexFirstOf

        protected int indexFirstOf​(String s,
                                   String delims,
                                   int offset)
        Get the earlier index that to be searched for the first occurrance in one of any of the given string.
        s - the string to be indexed
        delims - the delimiters used to index
        offset - the from index
        the earlier index if there are delimiters
      • indexFirstOf

        protected int indexFirstOf​(char[] s,
                                   char delim)
        Get the earlier index that to be searched for the first occurrance in one of any of the given array.
        s - the character array to be indexed
        delim - the delimiter used to index
        the ealier index if there are a delimiter
      • indexFirstOf

        protected int indexFirstOf​(char[] s,
                                   char delim,
                                   int offset)
        Get the earlier index that to be searched for the first occurrance in one of any of the given array.
        s - the character array to be indexed
        delim - the delimiter used to index
        offset - The offset.
        the ealier index if there is a delimiter
      • parseAuthority

        protected void parseAuthority​(String original,
                                      boolean escaped)
                               throws URIException
        Parse the authority component.
        original - the original character sequence of authority component
        escaped - true if original is escaped
        URIException - If an error occurs.
      • setURI

        protected void setURI()
        Once it's parsed successfully, set this URI.
        See Also:
      • isAbsoluteURI

        public boolean isAbsoluteURI()
        Tell whether or not this URI is absolute.
        true iif this URI is absoluteURI
      • isRelativeURI

        public boolean isRelativeURI()
        Tell whether or not this URI is relative.
        true iif this URI is relativeURI
      • isHierPart

        public boolean isHierPart()
        Tell whether or not the absoluteURI of this URI is hier_part.
        true iif the absoluteURI is hier_part
      • isOpaquePart

        public boolean isOpaquePart()
        Tell whether or not the absoluteURI of this URI is opaque_part.
        true iif the absoluteURI is opaque_part
      • isNetPath

        public boolean isNetPath()
        Tell whether or not the relativeURI or heir_part of this URI is net_path. It's the same function as the has_authority() method.
        true iif the relativeURI or heir_part is net_path
        See Also:
      • isAbsPath

        public boolean isAbsPath()
        Tell whether or not the relativeURI or hier_part of this URI is abs_path.
        true iif the relativeURI or hier_part is abs_path
      • isRelPath

        public boolean isRelPath()
        Tell whether or not the relativeURI of this URI is rel_path.
        true iif the relativeURI is rel_path
      • hasAuthority

        public boolean hasAuthority()
        Tell whether or not this URI has authority. It's the same function as the is_net_path() method.
        true iif this URI has authority
        See Also:
      • isRegName

        public boolean isRegName()
        Tell whether or not the authority component of this URI is reg_name.
        true iif the authority component is reg_name
      • isServer

        public boolean isServer()
        Tell whether or not the authority component of this URI is server.
        true iif the authority component is server
      • hasUserinfo

        public boolean hasUserinfo()
        Tell whether or not this URI has userinfo.
        true iif this URI has userinfo
      • isHostname

        public boolean isHostname()
        Tell whether or not the host part of this URI is hostname.
        true iif the host part is hostname
      • isIPv4address

        public boolean isIPv4address()
        Tell whether or not the host part of this URI is IPv4address.
        true iif the host part is IPv4address
      • isIPv6reference

        public boolean isIPv6reference()
        Tell whether or not the host part of this URI is IPv6reference.
        true iif the host part is IPv6reference
      • hasQuery

        public boolean hasQuery()
        Tell whether or not this URI has query.
        true iif this URI has query
      • hasFragment

        public boolean hasFragment()
        Tell whether or not this URI has fragment.
        true iif this URI has fragment
      • setDefaultProtocolCharset

        public static void setDefaultProtocolCharset​(String charset)
                                              throws URI.DefaultCharsetChanged
        Set the default charset of the protocol. The character set used to store files SHALL remain a local decision and MAY depend on the capability of local operating systems. Prior to the exchange of URIs they SHOULD be converted into a ISO/IEC 10646 format and UTF-8 encoded. This approach, while allowing international exchange of URIs, will still allow backward compatibility with older systems because the code set positions for ASCII characters are identical to the one byte sequence in UTF-8. An individual URI scheme may require a single charset, define a default charset, or provide a way to indicate the charset used. Always all the time, the setter method is always succeeded and throws DefaultCharsetChanged exception. So API programmer must follow the following way:
          import org.apache.util.URI$DefaultCharsetChanged;
          try {
          } catch (DefaultCharsetChanged cc) {
              // CASE 1: the exception could be ignored, when it is set by user
              if (cc.getReasonCode() == DefaultCharsetChanged.PROTOCOL_CHARSET) {
              // CASE 2: let user know the default protocol charset changed
              } else {
              // CASE 2: let user know the default document charset changed
        The API programmer is responsible to set the correct charset. And each application should remember its own charset to support.
        charset - the default charset for each protocol
        URI.DefaultCharsetChanged - default charset changed
      • getDefaultProtocolCharset

        public static String getDefaultProtocolCharset()
        Get the default charset of the protocol. An individual URI scheme may require a single charset, define a default charset, or provide a way to indicate the charset used. To work globally either requires support of a number of character sets and to be able to convert between them, or the use of a single preferred character set. For support of global compatibility it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that clients and servers use UTF-8 encoding when exchanging URIs.
        the default charset string
      • getProtocolCharset

        public String getProtocolCharset()
        Get the protocol charset used by this current URI instance. It was set by the constructor for this instance. If it was not set by contructor, it will return the default protocol charset.
        the protocol charset string
        See Also:
      • setDefaultDocumentCharset

        public static void setDefaultDocumentCharset​(String charset)
                                              throws URI.DefaultCharsetChanged
        Set the default charset of the document. Notice that it will be possible to contain mixed characters (e.g. ftp://host/KoreanNamespace/ChineseResource). To handle the Bi-directional display of these character sets, the protocol charset could be simply used again. Because it's not yet implemented that the insertion of BIDI control characters at different points during composition is extracted. Always all the time, the setter method is always succeeded and throws DefaultCharsetChanged exception. So API programmer must follow the following way:
          import org.apache.util.URI$DefaultCharsetChanged;
          try {
          } catch (DefaultCharsetChanged cc) {
              // CASE 1: the exception could be ignored, when it is set by user
              if (cc.getReasonCode() == DefaultCharsetChanged.DOCUMENT_CHARSET) {
              // CASE 2: let user know the default document charset changed
              } else {
              // CASE 2: let user know the default protocol charset changed
        The API programmer is responsible to set the correct charset. And each application should remember its own charset to support.
        charset - the default charset for the document
        URI.DefaultCharsetChanged - default charset changed
      • getDefaultDocumentCharset

        public static String getDefaultDocumentCharset()
        Get the recommended default charset of the document.
        the default charset string
      • getDefaultDocumentCharsetByLocale

        public static String getDefaultDocumentCharsetByLocale()
        Get the default charset of the document by locale.
        the default charset string by locale
      • getDefaultDocumentCharsetByPlatform

        public static String getDefaultDocumentCharsetByPlatform()
        Get the default charset of the document by platform.
        the default charset string by platform
      • getRawScheme

        public char[] getRawScheme()
        Get the scheme.
        the scheme
      • getScheme

        public String getScheme()
        Get the scheme.
        the scheme null if undefined scheme
      • setEscapedAuthority

        public void setEscapedAuthority​(String escapedAuthority)
                                 throws URIException
        Set the authority. It can be one type of server, hostport, hostname, IPv4address, IPv6reference and reg_name. Note that there is no setAuthority method by the escape encoding reason.
        escapedAuthority - the escaped authority string
        URIException - If parseAuthority(java.lang.String,boolean) fails
      • getRawAuthority

        public char[] getRawAuthority()
        Get the raw-escaped authority.
        the raw-escaped authority
      • getEscapedAuthority

        public String getEscapedAuthority()
        Get the escaped authority.
        the escaped authority
      • getRawUserinfo

        public char[] getRawUserinfo()
        Get the raw-escaped userinfo.
        the raw-escaped userinfo
        See Also:
      • getEscapedUserinfo

        public String getEscapedUserinfo()
        Get the escaped userinfo.
        the escaped userinfo
        See Also:
      • getRawHost

        public char[] getRawHost()
        Get the host.
         host = hostname | IPv4address | IPv6reference
        the host
        See Also:
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Get the port. In order to get the specfic default port, the specific protocol-supported class extended from the URI class should be used. It has the server-based naming authority.
        the port if -1, it has the default port for the scheme or the server-based naming authority is not supported in the specific URI.
      • resolvePath

        protected char[] resolvePath​(char[] basePath,
                                     char[] relPath)
                              throws URIException
        Resolve the base and relative path.
        basePath - a character array of the basePath
        relPath - a character array of the relPath
        the resolved path
        URIException - no more higher path level to be resolved
      • getRawCurrentHierPath

        protected char[] getRawCurrentHierPath​(char[] path)
                                        throws URIException
        Get the raw-escaped current hierarchy level in the given path. If the last namespace is a collection, the slash mark ('/') should be ended with at the last character of the path string.
        path - the path
        the current hierarchy level
        URIException - no hierarchy level
      • getRawPath

        public char[] getRawPath()
        Get the raw-escaped path.
           path          = [ abs_path | opaque_part ]
        the raw-escaped path
      • getEscapedPath

        public String getEscapedPath()
        Get the escaped path.
           path          = [ abs_path | opaque_part ]
           abs_path      = "/"  path_segments
           opaque_part   = uric_no_slash *uric
        the escaped path string
      • getRawName

        public char[] getRawName()
        Get the raw-escaped basename of the path.
        the raw-escaped basename
      • getEscapedName

        public String getEscapedName()
        Get the escaped basename of the path.
        the escaped basename string
      • getRawPathQuery

        public char[] getRawPathQuery()
        Get the raw-escaped path and query.
        the raw-escaped path and query
      • getEscapedPathQuery

        public String getEscapedPathQuery()
        Get the escaped query.
        the escaped path and query string
      • setRawQuery

        public void setRawQuery​(char[] escapedQuery)
                         throws URIException
        Set the raw-escaped query.
        escapedQuery - the raw-escaped query
        URIException - escaped query not valid
      • setEscapedQuery

        public void setEscapedQuery​(String escapedQuery)
                             throws URIException
        Set the escaped query string.
        escapedQuery - the escaped query string
        URIException - escaped query not valid
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(String query)
                      throws URIException
        Set the query. When a query string is not misunderstood the reserved special characters ("&", "=", "+", ",", and "$") within a query component, it is recommended to use in encoding the whole query with this method. The additional APIs for the special purpose using by the reserved special characters used in each protocol are implemented in each protocol classes inherited from URI. So refer to the same-named APIs implemented in each specific protocol instance.
        query - the query string.
        URIException - incomplete trailing escape pattern or unsupported character encoding
        See Also:
        encode(java.lang.String, java.util.BitSet, java.lang.String)
      • getRawQuery

        public char[] getRawQuery()
        Get the raw-escaped query.
        the raw-escaped query
      • getEscapedQuery

        public String getEscapedQuery()
        Get the escaped query.
        the escaped query string
      • setRawFragment

        public void setRawFragment​(char[] escapedFragment)
                            throws URIException
        Set the raw-escaped fragment.
        escapedFragment - the raw-escaped fragment
        URIException - escaped fragment not valid
      • setEscapedFragment

        public void setEscapedFragment​(String escapedFragment)
                                throws URIException
        Set the escaped fragment string.
        escapedFragment - the escaped fragment string
        URIException - escaped fragment not valid
      • setFragment

        public void setFragment​(String fragment)
                         throws URIException
        Set the fragment.
        fragment - the fragment string.
        URIException - If an error occurs.
      • getRawFragment

        public char[] getRawFragment()
        Get the raw-escaped fragment. The optional fragment identifier is not part of a URI, but is often used in conjunction with a URI. The format and interpretation of fragment identifiers is dependent on the media type [RFC2046] of the retrieval result. A fragment identifier is only meaningful when a URI reference is intended for retrieval and the result of that retrieval is a document for which the identified fragment is consistently defined.
        the raw-escaped fragment
      • getEscapedFragment

        public String getEscapedFragment()
        Get the escaped fragment.
        the escaped fragment string
      • removeFragmentIdentifier

        protected char[] removeFragmentIdentifier​(char[] component)
        Remove the fragment identifier of the given component.
        component - the component that a fragment may be included
        the component that the fragment identifier is removed
      • normalize

        protected char[] normalize​(char[] path)
                            throws URIException
        Normalize the given hier path part. Algorithm taken from URI reference parser at
        path - the path to normalize
        the normalized path
        URIException - no more higher path level to be normalized
      • normalize

        public void normalize()
                       throws URIException
        Normalizes the path part of this URI. Normalization is only meant to be performed on URIs with an absolute path. Calling this method on a relative path URI will have no effect.
        URIException - no more higher path level to be normalized
        See Also:
      • equals

        protected boolean equals​(char[] first,
                                 char[] second)
        Test if the first array is equal to the second array.
        first - the first character array
        second - the second character array
        true if they're equal
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Test an object if this URI is equal to another.
        equals in class Object
        obj - an object to compare
        true if two URI objects are equal
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Return a hash code for this URI.
        hashCode in class Object
        a has code value for this URI
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(URI another)
        Compare this URI to another object.
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<URI>
        another - the object to be compared.
        0, if it's same, -1, if failed, first being compared with in the authority component
        ClassCastException - not URI argument
      • clone

        public Object clone()
                     throws CloneNotSupportedException
        Create and return a copy of this object, the URI-reference containing the userinfo component. Notice that the whole URI-reference including the userinfo component counld not be gotten as a String. To copy the identical URI object including the userinfo component, it should be used.
        clone in class Object
        a clone of this instance
      • getRawURI

        public char[] getRawURI()
        It can be gotten the URI character sequence. It's raw-escaped. For the purpose of the protocol to be transported, it will be useful. It is clearly unwise to use a URL that contains a password which is intended to be secret. In particular, the use of a password within the 'userinfo' component of a URL is strongly disrecommended except in those rare cases where the 'password' parameter is intended to be public. When you want to get each part of the userinfo, you need to use the specific methods in the specific URL. It depends on the specific URL.
        the URI character sequence
      • getEscapedURI

        public String getEscapedURI()
        It can be gotten the URI character sequence. It's escaped. For the purpose of the protocol to be transported, it will be useful.
        the escaped URI string
      • getRawURIReference

        public char[] getRawURIReference()
        Get the URI reference character sequence.
        the URI reference character sequence
      • getEscapedURIReference

        public String getEscapedURIReference()
        Get the escaped URI reference string.
        the escaped URI reference string
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Get the escaped URI string. On the document, the URI-reference form is only used without the userinfo component like by the security reason. But the URI-reference form with the userinfo component could be parsed. In other words, this URI and any its subclasses must not expose the URI-reference expression with the userinfo component like http://user:password@hostport/restricted_zone.
        It means that the API client programmer should extract each user and password to access manually. Probably it will be supported in the each subclass, however, not a whole URI-reference expression.
        toString in class Object
        the escaped URI string
        See Also:
      • getString

        public static String getString​(byte[] data,
                                       String charset)
        Converts the byte array of HTTP content characters to a string. If the specified charset is not supported, default system encoding is used.
        data - the byte array to be encoded
        charset - the desired character encoding
        The result of the conversion.
      • getAsciiBytes

        public static byte[] getAsciiBytes​(String data)
        Converts the specified string to byte array of ASCII characters.
        data - the string to be encoded
        The string as a byte array.