All Classes and Interfaces

use Polling instead.
The abstract base client for all implementing integration test clients.
Thin Wrapper around a Bundle definition JSON
A simple Wrapper around the returned JSON when requesting the status of /system/console/bundles
Utility for installing and starting additional bundles for testing
An exception thrown when something went wrong with using the sling testing clients.
Thin wrapper around the list of components
Holds information retrieved from the mock SMTP server deployed in Sling
Helper for creating Entity objects for POST requests.
Interface to the oak indexing mechanism
If we want to upload a file that is a resource in a jar file, the http client expects a content length.
Allows saving and restoring an instance configuration.
A cache for different InstanceConfig objects
Configuration of a single instance instance.
Utility class for getting the current instance setup
A client that wraps the Felix OSGi Web Console REST API calls.
Allows saving and restoring the OSGiConfig to be used before and after altering OSGi configurations for tests
use Polling instead.
Helper for repeating a call until it returns true, with timeout capabilities.
Sling client for performing oak queries.
Query types, as defined in org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.query.QueryEngineImpl
{code ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy} strategy for retrying request in case of a 5XX response code
A simple Wrapper around the returned JSON when requesting the status of /system/console/services
The Base class for all Integration Test Clients.
Extensible InternalBuilder for SlingClient.
Accesses email stored by a mock SMTP server deployed to Sling
HttpClient interceptor that propagates the current test name as part HTTP request headers.
Use this exception to indicate any problems with networking (typically manifested as IOException).
Use this exception to signal problems in the test setup, e.g.
Use this exception to indicate any mismatch between expectations and the actual test result.
duplicate of TimeoutsProvider.
Return timeout values that can be multiplied by a configurable factor.
Generate unique paths, for tests isolation
Basic class for XSS Testing The reliability of these methods are not critical