Class SlingClient

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, org.apache.http.client.HttpClient
Direct Known Subclasses:
IndexingClient, MicrodataClient, OsgiConsoleClient, QueryClient, SlingEmailClient

@Contract(threading=IMMUTABLE) public class SlingClient extends AbstractSlingClient

The Base class for all Integration Test Clients. It provides generic methods to send HTTP requests to a server.

It has methods to perform simple node operations on the server like creating and deleting nodes, etc. on the server using requests.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SlingClient

      public SlingClient(org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient http, SlingClientConfig config) throws ClientException
      Constructor used by Builders and adaptTo(). Should never be called directly from the code.
      http - the underlying HttpClient to be used
      config - sling specific configs
      ClientException - if the client could not be created
      See Also:
      • AbstractSlingClient(CloseableHttpClient, SlingClientConfig)
    • SlingClient

      public SlingClient(URI url, String user, String password) throws ClientException

      Handy constructor easy to use in simple tests. Creates a client that uses basic authentication.

      For constructing clients with complex configurations, use a SlingClient.InternalBuilder

      For constructing clients with the same configuration, but a different class, use AbstractSlingClient.adaptTo(Class)

      url - url of the server (including context path)
      user - username for basic authentication
      password - password for basic authentication
      ClientException - never, kept for uniformity with the other constructors
  • Method Details

    • move

      public SlingHttpResponse move(String srcPath, String destPath, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Moves a sling path to a new location (:operation move)
      srcPath - source path
      destPath - destination path
      expectedStatus - list of accepted status codes in response
      the response
      ClientException - if an error occurs during operation
    • deletePath

      public SlingHttpResponse deletePath(String path, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Deletes a sling path (:operation delete)
      path - path to be deleted
      expectedStatus - list of accepted status codes in response
      the response
      ClientException - if an error occurs during operation
    • createNodeRecursive

      public SlingHttpResponse createNodeRecursive(String path, String nodeType) throws ClientException
      Recursively creates all the none existing nodes in the given path using the createNode(String, String) method. All the created nodes will have the given node type.
      path - the path to use for creating all the none existing nodes
      nodeType - the node type to use for the created nodes
      the response to the creation of the leaf node
      ClientException - if one of the nodes can't be created
    • createNode

      public SlingHttpResponse createNode(String path, String nodeType) throws ClientException
      Creates the node specified by a given path with the given node type.
      If the given node type is null, the node will be created with the default type: "sling:OrderedFolder".
      If the node already exists, the method will return null, with no errors.
      The method ignores trailing slashes so a path like this /a/b/c/// is accepted and will create the c node if the rest of the path exists.
      path - the path to the node to create
      nodeType - the type of the node to create
      the sling HTTP response or null if the path already existed
      ClientException - if the node can't be created
    • endImpersonation

      public SlingClient endImpersonation()
      End the impersonation of the current user.
      the SlingClient
    • exists

      public boolean exists(String path) throws ClientException

      Checks whether a path exists or not by making a GET request to that path with the json extension

      path - path to be checked
      true if GET response returns 200
      ClientException - if the request could not be performed
    • getParentPath

      protected String getParentPath(String path)
      Extracts the parent path from the given String
      path - string containing the path
      the parent path if exists or empty string otherwise
    • getNodeNameFromPath

      protected String getNodeNameFromPath(String path)
      Extracts the node from path
      path - string containing the path
      the node without parent path
    • waitUntilExists

      @Deprecated public void waitUntilExists(String path, long waitMillis, int retryCount) throws TestingValidationException, InterruptedException

      Checks whether a path exists or not by making a GET request to that path with the json extension

      It polls the server and waits until the path exists

      path - path to be checked
      waitMillis - time to wait between retries
      retryCount - number of retries before throwing an exception
      TestingValidationException - if the path was not found
      InterruptedException - to mark this operation as "waiting"
    • waitExists

      public void waitExists(String path, long timeout, long delay) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException

      Waits until a path exists by making successive GET requests to that path with the json extension

      Polls the server until the path exists or until timeout is reached

      path - path to be checked
      timeout - max total time to wait, in milliseconds
      delay - time to wait between checks, in milliseconds
      TimeoutException - if the path was not found before timeout
      InterruptedException - to mark this operation as "waiting", should be rethrown by callers
    • setPropertyString

      public SlingHttpResponse setPropertyString(String nodePath, String propName, String propValue, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Sets String component property on a node.
      nodePath - path to the node to be edited
      propName - name of the property to be edited
      propValue - value of the property to be edited
      expectedStatus - list of expected HTTP Status to be returned, if not set, 200 is assumed.
      the response object
      ClientException - if something fails during the request/response cycle
    • setPropertyStringArray

      public SlingHttpResponse setPropertyStringArray(String nodePath, String propName, List<String> propValueList, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Sets a String[] component property on a node.
      nodePath - path to the node to be edited
      propName - name of the property to be edited
      propValueList - List of String values
      expectedStatus - list of expected HTTP Status to be returned, if not set, 200 is assumed.
      the response
      ClientException - if something fails during the request/response cycle
    • setPropertiesString

      public SlingHttpResponse setPropertiesString(String nodePath, List<org.apache.http.NameValuePair> properties, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Sets multiple String properties on a node in a single request
      nodePath - path to the node to be edited
      properties - list of NameValue pairs with the name and value for each property. String[] properties can be defined by adding multiple time the same property name with different values
      expectedStatus - list of expected HTTP Status to be returned, if not set, 200 is assumed.
      the response
      ClientException - if the operation could not be completed
    • getJsonNode

      @Deprecated public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode getJsonNode(String path, int depth) throws ClientException, InterruptedException
      Returns the JSON content of a node already mapped to a JsonNode.
      Waits max 10 seconds for the node to be created.
      path - the path to the content node
      depth - the number of levels to go down the tree, -1 for infinity
      a JsonNode mapping to the requested content node.
      ClientException - if something fails during request/response processing
      InterruptedException - to mark this operation as "waiting"
    • getJsonNode

      @Deprecated public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode getJsonNode(String path, int depth, long waitMillis, int retryNumber, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException, InterruptedException
      Returns JSON format of a content node already mapped to a JsonNode.
      path - the path to the content node
      depth - the number of levels to go down the tree, -1 for infinity
      waitMillis - how long it should wait between requests
      retryNumber - number of retries before throwing an exception
      expectedStatus - list of allowed HTTP Status to be returned. If not set, http status 200 (OK) is assumed.
      a JsonNode mapping to the requested content node.
      ClientException - if something fails during request/response cycle
      InterruptedException - to mark this operation as "waiting"
    • doGetJson

      public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode doGetJson(String path, int depth, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Returns the JsonNode object corresponding to a content node.
      path - the path to the content node
      depth - the number of levels to go down the tree, -1 for infinity
      expectedStatus - list of allowed HTTP Status to be returned. If not set, 200 (OK) is assumed.
      a JsonNode mapping to the requested content node.
      ClientException - if the path does not exist or something fails during request/response cycle
    • upload

      public SlingHttpResponse upload(File file, String mimeType, String toPath, boolean createFolders, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Uploads a file to the repository. It creates a leaf node typed nt:file. The intermediary nodes are created with type "sling:OrderedFolder" if parameter createFolders is true
      file - the file to be uploaded
      mimeType - the MIME Type of the file
      toPath - the complete path of the file in the repository including file name
      createFolders - if true, all non existing parent nodes will be created using node type sling:OrderedFolder
      expectedStatus - list of expected HTTP Status to be returned, if not set, 201 is assumed.
      the response
      ClientException - if something fails during the request/response cycle
    • createFolder

      public SlingHttpResponse createFolder(String folderName, String folderTitle, String parentPath, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Creates a new Folder of type sling:OrderedFolder. Same as using New Folder... in the Site Admin.
      folderName - The name of the folder to be used in the URL.
      folderTitle - Title of the Folder to be set in jcr:title
      parentPath - The parent path where the folder gets added.
      expectedStatus - list of expected HTTP Status to be returned, if not set, 201 is assumed.
      the response
      ClientException - if something fails during the request/response cycle
    • importContent

      public SlingHttpResponse importContent(String parentPath, String contentType, String content, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException

      Create a tree structure under parentPath by providing a content in one of the supported formats: xml, jcr.xml, json, jar, zip.

      This is the implementation of :operation import, as documented in importing-content-structures

      parentPath - path where the tree is created
      contentType - format of the content
      content - string expressing the structure to be created, in the specified format
      expectedStatus - list of expected HTTP Status to be returned, if not set, 201 is assumed
      the response
      ClientException - if something fails during the request/response cycle
    • importContent

      public SlingHttpResponse importContent(String parentPath, String contentType, File contentFile, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException

      Create a tree structure under parentPath by providing a contentFile in one of the supported formats: xml, jcr.xml, json, jar, zip.

      This is the implementation of :operation import, as documented in importing-content-structures

      parentPath - path where the tree is created
      contentType - format of the content
      contentFile - file containing the structure to be created, in the specified format
      expectedStatus - list of expected HTTP Status to be returned, if not set, 200 is assumed
      the response
      ClientException - if something fails during the request/response cycle
    • importJson

      public SlingHttpResponse importJson(String parentPath, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode json, int... expectedStatus) throws ClientException
      Wrapper method over importContent(String, String, String, int...) for directly importing a json node
      parentPath - path where the tree is created
      json - json node with the desired structure
      expectedStatus - list of expected HTTP Status to be returned, if not set, 201 is assumed
      the response
      ClientException - if something fails during the request/response cycle
    • getUUID

      public String getUUID(String path) throws ClientException
      Get the UUID of a repository path
      path - path in repository
      uuid as String or null if path does not exist
      ClientException - if something fails during request/response cycle
    • getUUId

      public String getUUId(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonNode) throws ClientException
      Get the UUID from a node that was already parsed in a JsonNode
      jsonNode - JsonNode object of the repository node
      UUID as String or null if jsonNode is null or if the UUID was not found
      ClientException - if something fails during request/response cycle
    • getUser

      public String getUser()
      Description copied from class: AbstractSlingClient
      Returns the name of the user that will be used to authenticate the requests (by basic auth, if not replaced).
      getUser in class AbstractSlingClient
      user's name
    • impersonate

      public SlingClient impersonate(String userId)
      Impersonate user with the given userId

      By impersonating a user SlingClient can access content from the perspective of that user.

      Passing a null will clear impersonation.
      userId - the user to impersonate. A null value clears impersonation
      the slingClient with the impersonation applied