Class ConfigTypeContext

  • public final class ConfigTypeContext
    extends Object
    Performs configuration management and component property type construction for ConfigType and SetConfig annotations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigTypeContext

        public ConfigTypeContext​(OsgiContextImpl osgiContext)
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigurationPid

        public Optional<String> getConfigurationPid​(@NotNull
                                                    @NotNull String pid,
                                                    @NotNull Class component)
        Construct a configuration pid for use with ConfigurationAdmin.getConfiguration(String). If pid is not empty and not equal to Component.NAME ("$"), return pid. Otherwise, return component.getName(), except in the case of Void, in which case return empty().
        pid - an explicit pid name, "$", or the empty string
        component - a class whose name to use when pid is "$", unless Void
        a useful configuration pid or none
      • updateConfiguration

        public void updateConfiguration​(@NotNull
                                        @NotNull SetConfig annotation)
        Updates a Configuration from the provided annotation.
        annotation - an SetConfig annotation
      • updateConfiguration

        public void updateConfiguration​(@NotNull
                                        @NotNull String pid,
                                        @NotNull Map<String,​Object> propertyMap)
        Updates a Configuration from the provided pid and property map.
        pid - the configuration pid
        propertyMap - config properties to set on the configuration
      • constructConfigType

        public Object constructConfigType​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull ConfigType annotation)
        Return a concrete instance of the OSGi config / Component Property Type represented by the given ConfigType annotation discovered via reflection.
        annotation - the ConfigType
        a concrete instance of the type specified by the provided ConfigType.type()
      • constructConfigType

        public Object constructConfigType​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull ConfigType annotation,
                                          @Nullable String applyPid)
        Return a concrete instance of the OSGi config / Component Property Type represented by the given ConfigType annotation discovered via reflection.
        annotation - the ConfigType
        applyPid - if not empty, override any specified
        a concrete instance of the type specified by the provided ConfigType.type()
      • newTypedConfig

        public TypedConfig newTypedConfig​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull Annotation annotation)
        Construct a collection typed config for the provided annotation.
        annotation - a component property type annotation or ConfigType annotation
        a typed config
      • newTypedConfig

        public TypedConfig newTypedConfig​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull Annotation annotation,
                                          @Nullable String applyPid)
        Construct a collection typed config for the provided annotation.
        annotation - a component property type annotation or ConfigType annotation
        applyPid - optional non-empty configuration pid to apply if annotation is a ConfigType
        a typed config