Interface TypedConfig<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the config type
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TypedConfig<T>
    Represents a single config entry within a ConfigCollection. It has its own config type, which may be a annotation type or an interface.
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        @NotNull Class<T> getType()
        The config type. This will only be an annotation type or an interface type.
        the config type
      • getConfig

        T getConfig()
        The config object. This is the value that is expected to be passed to an Activate-annotated SCR component constructor.
        the config object
      • getConfigMap

        @NotNull Map<String,​Object> getConfigMap()
        Convert the config instance into a traditional config property map.
        a property map
      • stream

        default <U> Stream<TypedConfig<U>> stream​(@NotNull
                                                  @NotNull Class<U> otherType)
        Returns a 0- or 1-element entry stream (containing only this entry) depending on whether this entry's getType() matches the provided otherType. This is a convenience method for use in Stream.flatMap(Function) expressions on the containing
        Type Parameters:
        U - the other type
        otherType - the other type to filter by
        a 0- or 1-element entry stream (containing only this entry)
      • configStream

        default <U> Stream<U> configStream​(@NotNull
                                           @NotNull Class<U> otherType)
        Returns a 0- or 1-element config stream (containing only this entry's config) depending on whether this entry's getType() matches the provided otherType. This is a convenience method for use in Stream.flatMap(Function) expressions on the containing
        Type Parameters:
        U - the other type
        otherType - the other type to filter by
        a 0- or 1-element config stream (containing only this entry's config)