Interface ConfigCollection

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ConfigCollection
    A heterogeneously typed collection of OSGi Config objects for injection as a test parameter.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default <T> Stream<T> configStream​(@NotNull Class<T> configType)
      Return a typed stream of only those configs in the collection that match the desired config type.
      default <T> T firstConfig​(@NotNull Class<T> configType)
      Return the first available config of type configType, or throw if none are available.
      default <T> Map<String,​Object> firstConfigMap​(@NotNull Class<T> configType)
      Return the first available config of type configType as a Map, or throw if none are available.
      Stream<TypedConfig> stream()
      Return an untyped stream of all the typed configs contained in this collection.
      default <T> Stream<TypedConfig<T>> stream​(@NotNull Class<T> configType)
      Return a typed stream of only those entries in the collection that match the desired config type.
    • Method Detail

      • stream

        Stream<TypedConfig> stream()
        Return an untyped stream of all the typed configs contained in this collection.
        an untyped stream of typed configs
      • stream

        default <T> Stream<TypedConfig<T>> stream​(@NotNull
                                                  @NotNull Class<T> configType)
        Return a typed stream of only those entries in the collection that match the desired config type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the config type
        configType - the desired config type
        a typed stream of typed configs
      • configStream

        default <T> Stream<T> configStream​(@NotNull
                                           @NotNull Class<T> configType)
        Return a typed stream of only those configs in the collection that match the desired config type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the config type
        configType - the desired config type
        a typed stream of config values
      • firstConfig

        default <T> T firstConfig​(@NotNull
                                  @NotNull Class<T> configType)
        Return the first available config of type configType, or throw if none are available.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the config type
        configType - the desired configType
        the first available config value
        NoSuchElementException - if no matching config is available
      • firstConfigMap

        default <T> Map<String,​Object> firstConfigMap​(@NotNull
                                                            @NotNull Class<T> configType)
        Return the first available config of type configType as a Map, or throw if none are available.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the config type
        configType - the desired configType
        the first available config value as a map
        NoSuchElementException - if no matching config is available