Class GlobalRequestFuture

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, SshFuture<GlobalRequestFuture>, SshFutureListener<IoWriteFuture>, WaitableFuture, SshdEventListener

public class GlobalRequestFuture extends DefaultSshFuture<GlobalRequestFuture> implements SshFutureListener<IoWriteFuture>
A DefaultSshFuture that can be used to wait for the reply of an SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST sent with want-reply = true.
  • Constructor Details

    • GlobalRequestFuture

      public GlobalRequestFuture(String request)
      Creates a new GlobalRequestFuture for a global request. Synchronization occurs on the future itself. The future will be fulfilled once the reply has been received or an error occurred.
      request - the request identifier
    • GlobalRequestFuture

      public GlobalRequestFuture(String request, GlobalRequestFuture.ReplyHandler handler)
      Creates a new GlobalRequestFuture for a global request. Synchronization occurs on the future itself. The future will be fulfilled once the request has been sent, or an error occurred during sending. The framework will invoke the handler once the reply has been received. For global requests with want-reply = false, the handler will be invoked with an empty buffer if the request was successfully sent.
      request - the request identifier
      handler - the GlobalRequestFuture.ReplyHandler, or null
  • Method Details