Interface FactoryManager

    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        String getVersion()
        An upper case string identifying the version of the software used on client or server side. This version includes the name and version of the software and usually looks like this: SSHD-CORE-1.0
        the version of the software
      • getRandomFactory

        Factory<? extends Random> getRandomFactory()
        Retrieve the Random factory to be used.
        The Random factory, never null
      • getChannelFactories

        List<? extends ChannelFactory> getChannelFactories()
        Retrieve the list of named factories for Channel objects.
        A list of ChannelFactory-ies, never null
      • getForwardingFilter

        ForwardingFilter getForwardingFilter()
        Retrieve the ForwardingFilter to be used by the SSH server. If no filter has been configured (i.e. this method returns null), then all forwarding requests will be rejected.
        The ForwardingFilter or null
      • getFileSystemFactory

        FileSystemFactory getFileSystemFactory()
        Retrieve the FileSystemFactory to be used to traverse the file system.
        a valid FileSystemFactory instance or null if file based interactions are not supported on this server
      • getServiceFactories

        List<? extends ServiceFactory> getServiceFactories()
        Retrieve the list of SSH Service factories.
        a list of named Service factories, never null
      • getGlobalRequestHandlers

        List<RequestHandler<ConnectionService>> getGlobalRequestHandlers()
        Retrieve the list of global request handlers.
        a list of named GlobalRequestHandler
      • resolveAttribute

        static <T> T resolveAttribute​(FactoryManager manager,
                                      AttributeRepository.AttributeKey<T> key)
        Type Parameters:
        T - The generic attribute type
        manager - The FactoryManager - ignored if null
        key - The attribute key - never null
        Associated value - null if not found