Class KeyExchangeMessageHandler

  • public class KeyExchangeMessageHandler
    extends Object
    Manages SSH message sending during a key exchange. RFC 4253 specifies that during a key exchange, no high-level messages are to be sent, but a receiver must be able to deal with messages "in flight" until the peer's SshConstants#SSH_MSG_KEX_INIT message is received.

    Apache MINA sshd queues up high-level messages that threads try to send while a key exchange is ongoing, and sends them once the key exchange is done. Sending queued messages may make the peer re-trigger a new key exchange, in which case sending queued messages stops and is resumed at the end of the new key exchange.

    See Also:
    RFC 4253
    • Field Detail

      • lock

        protected final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock
        We need the flushing thread to have priority over writing threads. So we use a lock that favors writers over readers, and any state updates and the flushing thread are writers, while writePacket() is a reader.
      • log

        protected final org.slf4j.Logger log
        The Logger to use.
      • pendingPackets

        protected final Queue<PendingWriteFuture> pendingPackets
        Queues up high-level packets written during an ongoing key exchange.
      • kexFlushed

        protected final AtomicBoolean kexFlushed
        Indicates that all pending packets have been flushed. Set to true by the flushing thread, or at the end of KEX if there are no packets to be flushed. Set to false when a new KEX starts. Initially true.
      • shutDown

        protected final AtomicBoolean shutDown
        Indicates that the handler has been shut down.
      • kexFlushedFuture

        protected final AtomicReference<DefaultKeyExchangeFuture> kexFlushedFuture
        Never null. Used to block some threads when writing packets while pending packets are still being flushed at the end of a KEX to avoid overrunning the flushing thread. Always set, initially fulfilled. At the beginning of a KEX a new future is installed, which is fulfilled at the end of the KEX once there are no more pending packets to be flushed.
    • Constructor Detail

      • KeyExchangeMessageHandler

        public KeyExchangeMessageHandler​(AbstractSession session,
                                         org.slf4j.Logger log)
        Creates a new KeyExchangeMessageHandler for the given session, using the given Logger.
        session - AbstractSession the new instance belongs to
        log - Logger to use for writing log messages
    • Method Detail

      • updateState

        public void updateState​(Runnable update)
      • updateState

        public <V> V updateState​(Supplier<V> update)
      • initNewKeyExchange

        public DefaultKeyExchangeFuture initNewKeyExchange()
        Initializes the state for a new key exchange. #allPacketsFlushed() will be false, and a new future to be fulfilled when all queued packets will be flushed once the key exchange is done is set. The currently set future from an earlier key exchange is returned. The returned future may or may not be fulfilled; if it isn't, there are still left-over pending packets to write from the previous key exchange, which will be written once the new key exchange flushes pending packets.
        the previous DefaultKeyExchangeFuture indicating whether all pending packets were flushed.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Pretends all pending packets had been written. To be called when the AbstractSession closes.
      • writePacket

        public IoWriteFuture writePacket​(Buffer buffer,
                                         long timeout,
                                         TimeUnit unit)
                                  throws IOException
        Writes a packet. If a key exchange is ongoing, only low-level messages are written directly; all other messages are queued and will be written once flushQueue(DefaultKeyExchangeFuture) is called when the key exchange is done. Packets written while there are still pending packets to be flushed will either be queued, too, or the calling thread will be blocked with the given timeout until all packets have been flushed. Whether a write will be blocked is determined by isBlockAllowed(int).

        If a packet was written, a key exchange may be triggered via AbstractSession.checkRekey().

        If timeout <= 0 or unit == null, a time-out of "forever" is assumed. Note that a timeout applies only if the calling thread is blocked.

        buffer - packet to write
        timeout - number of TimeUnits to wait at most if the calling thread is blocked
        unit - TimeUnit of timeout
        an IoWriteFuture that will be fulfilled once the packet has indeed been written.
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • writeOrEnqueue

        protected IoWriteFuture writeOrEnqueue​(int cmd,
                                               Buffer buffer,
                                               long timeout,
                                               TimeUnit unit)
                                        throws IOException
        Writes an SSH packet. If no KEX is ongoing and there are no pending packets queued to be written after KEX, the buffer is written directly. Otherwise, the write is enqueued or the calling thread is blocked until all pending packets have been written, depending on the result of isBlockAllowed(int). If the calling thread holds the monitor of the session's AbstractCloseable.getFutureLock(), it is never blocked and the write is queued.

        If timeout <= 0 or unit == null, a time-out of "forever" is assumed. Note that a timeout applies only if the calling thread is blocked.

        cmd - SSH command from the buffer
        buffer - Buffer containing the packet to write
        timeout - number of TimeUnits to wait at most if the calling thread is blocked
        unit - TimeUnit of timeout
        an IoWriteFuture that will be fulfilled once the packet has indeed been written.
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • isBlockAllowed

        protected boolean isBlockAllowed​(int cmd)
        Tells whether the calling thread may be blocked in writePacket(Buffer, long, TimeUnit). This implementation blocks writes of channel data packets unless written by an internal thread.

        Typically an internal thread is one of the reading threads of Apache MINA sshd handling an SSH protocol message: it's holding the AbstractSession.decodeLock; blocking it would mean we couldn't handle any other incoming message, not even disconnections or another key exchange triggered by having lots of data queued.

        cmd - SSH command of the buffer to be written
        true if the thread may be blocked; false if the packet written must be queued without blocking the thread
      • enqueuePendingPacket

        protected PendingWriteFuture enqueuePendingPacket​(int cmd,
                                                          Buffer buffer)
        Enqueues a packet to be written once a running key exchange terminates.
        cmd - the SSH command from the buffer
        buffer - the Buffer containing the packet to be sent
        the enqueued PendingWriteFuture
      • flushQueue

        protected void flushQueue​(DefaultKeyExchangeFuture flushDone)
        Flushes all packets enqueued while a key exchange was ongoing. If writing the pending packets triggers a new key exchange, flushing is stopped and is to be resumed by another call to this method when the new key exchange is done.
        flushDone - the future obtained from #getFlushedFuture(); will be fulfilled once all pending packets have been written