Interface PublickeyAuthenticator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AcceptAllPublickeyAuthenticator, AuthorizedKeyEntriesPublickeyAuthenticator, AuthorizedKeysAuthenticator, CachingPublicKeyAuthenticator, DefaultAuthorizedKeysAuthenticator, KeySetPublickeyAuthenticator, RejectAllPublickeyAuthenticator, StaticPublickeyAuthenticator
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface PublickeyAuthenticator
The PublickeyAuthenticator is used on the server side to authenticate user public keys.
Apache MINA SSHD Project
  • Method Details

    • authenticate

      boolean authenticate(String username, PublicKey key, ServerSession session) throws AsyncAuthException
      Check the validity of a public key.
      username - the username
      key - the key
      session - the server session
      a boolean indicating if authentication succeeded or not
      AsyncAuthException - If the authentication is performed asynchronously
    • fromAuthorizedEntries

      static PublickeyAuthenticator fromAuthorizedEntries(Object id, ServerSession session, Collection<? extends AuthorizedKeyEntry> entries, PublicKeyEntryResolver fallbackResolver) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException
      id - Some kind of mnemonic identifier for the authenticator - used also in toString()
      session - The ServerSession that triggered this call - may be null if invoked by offline tool (e.g., unit test) or session context unknown to caller.
      entries - The entries to parse - ignored if null/empty
      fallbackResolver - The public key resolver to use if none of the default registered ones works
      A wrapper with all the parsed keys
      IOException - If failed to parse the keys data
      GeneralSecurityException - If failed to generate the relevant keys from the parsed data