Class SshAgentKeyConstraint

    • Field Detail

      • CONFIRM

        public static final SshAgentKeyConstraint CONFIRM
        The singleton OpenSSH confirmation SshAgentKeyConstraint. If set, the SSH agent is supposed to prompt the user before each use of a key in a signing operation.

        Users who have this option set via ssh config AddKeysToAgent confirm are responsible themselves for having configured their agent correctly so that it prompts in whatever way is appropriate.

        The OpenSSH agent prompts via via ssh-askpass or whatever program the environment variable SSH_ASKPASS defines. These prompts don't go through the prompting callback mechanisms of Apache MINA sshd.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SshAgentKeyConstraint

        protected SshAgentKeyConstraint​(byte id)
        Constructor setting the agent protocol ID of the constraint.
        id - for the key constraint
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public byte getId()
        Retrieves the protocol ID of this constraint.
        the protocol id of this constraint
      • put

        public void put​(Buffer buffer)
        Writes this constraint into the given Buffer.
        buffer - Buffer to write into at the current buffer write position