Interface OpenFuture

    • Method Detail

      • getException

        Throwable getException()
        Returns the cause of the connection failure.
        null if the connect operation is not finished yet, or if the connection attempt is successful (use WaitableFuture.isDone() to distinguish between the two).
      • isOpened

        boolean isOpened()
        true if the connect operation is finished successfully.
      • isCanceled

        boolean isCanceled()
        true if the connect operation has been canceled by cancel() method.
      • setOpened

        void setOpened()
        Sets the newly connected session and notifies all threads waiting for this future. This method is invoked by SSHD internally. Please do not call this method directly.
      • setException

        void setException​(Throwable exception)
        Sets the exception caught due to connection failure and notifies all threads waiting for this future. This method is invoked by SSHD internally. Please do not call this method directly.
        exception - The caught Throwable
      • cancel

        void cancel()
        Cancels the connection attempt and notifies all threads waiting for this future.