Interface Channel

All Superinterfaces:
AttributeRepository, AttributeStore, AutoCloseable, Channel, ChannelIdentifier, ChannelListenerManager, ChannelStreamWriterResolver, ChannelStreamWriterResolverManager, Closeable, Closeable, PropertyResolver, SessionContextHolder, SessionHolder<Session>
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientChannel, ServerChannel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractChannel, AbstractClientChannel, AbstractServerChannel, AgentForwardedChannel, AgentForwardedChannel, ChannelAgentForwarding, ChannelAgentForwarding, ChannelDirectTcpip, ChannelExec, ChannelForwardedX11, ChannelSession, ChannelSession, ChannelShell, ChannelSubsystem, PtyCapableChannelSession, TcpipClientChannel, TcpipServerChannel

Represents a channel opened over an SSH session - holds information that is common both to server and client channels.
Apache MINA SSHD Project
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getRecipient

      long getRecipient()
      Remote channel UITN32 identifier
    • getLocalWindow

      LocalWindow getLocalWindow()
    • getRemoteWindow

      RemoteWindow getRemoteWindow()
    • getRequestHandlers

      List<RequestHandler<Channel>> getRequestHandlers()
    • addRequestHandler

      void addRequestHandler(RequestHandler<Channel> handler)
    • addRequestHandlers

      default void addRequestHandlers(Collection<? extends RequestHandler<Channel>> handlers)
    • removeRequestHandler

      void removeRequestHandler(RequestHandler<Channel> handler)
    • removeRequestHandlers

      default void removeRequestHandlers(Collection<? extends RequestHandler<Channel>> handlers)
    • handleClose

      void handleClose() throws IOException
      Invoked when SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE received
      IOException - If failed to handle the message
    • handleWindowAdjust

      void handleWindowAdjust(Buffer buffer) throws IOException
      Invoked when SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST received
      buffer - The rest of the message data Buffer after decoding the channel identifiers
      IOException - If failed to handle the message
    • handleRequest

      void handleRequest(Buffer buffer) throws IOException
      Invoked when SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST received
      buffer - The rest of the message data Buffer after decoding the channel identifiers
      IOException - If failed to handle the message
    • handleData

      void handleData(Buffer buffer) throws IOException
      Invoked when SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA received
      buffer - The rest of the message data Buffer after decoding the channel identifiers
      IOException - If failed to handle the message
    • handleExtendedData

      void handleExtendedData(Buffer buffer) throws IOException
      Invoked when SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA received
      buffer - The rest of the message data Buffer after decoding the channel identifiers
      IOException - If failed to handle the message
    • handleEof

      void handleEof() throws IOException
      Invoked when SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF received
      IOException - If failed to handle the message
    • handleSuccess

      void handleSuccess() throws IOException
      Invoked when SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS received
      IOException - If failed to handle the message
    • handleFailure

      void handleFailure() throws IOException
      Invoked when SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE received
      IOException - If failed to handle the message
    • init

      void init(ConnectionService service, Session session, long id) throws IOException
      Invoked when the local channel is initial created
      service - The ConnectionService through which the channel is initialized
      session - The Session associated with the channel
      id - The locally assigned channel identifier (UINT32 represented as a long)
      IOException - If failed to process the initialization
    • handleChannelRegistrationResult

      void handleChannelRegistrationResult(ConnectionService service, Session session, long id, boolean registered)
      Invoked after being successfully registered by the connection service - should throw a RuntimeException if not registered
      service - The ConnectionService through which the channel is registered
      session - The Session associated with the channel
      id - The locally assigned channel identifier (UINT32 represented as a long)
      registered - Whether registration was successful or not
    • handleChannelUnregistration

      void handleChannelUnregistration(ConnectionService service)
      Called by the connection service to inform the channel that it has bee unregistered.
      service - The ConnectionService through which the channel is unregistered
    • isInitialized

      boolean isInitialized()
      true if call to init(ConnectionService, Session, long) was successfully completed
    • isEofSignalled

      boolean isEofSignalled()
      true if the peer signaled that it will not send any more data
      See Also:
    • open

      OpenFuture open(long recipient, long rwSize, long packetSize, Buffer buffer)
      For a server channel, this method will actually open the channel
      recipient - Recipient identifier (UINT32 represented as a long)
      rwSize - Read/Write window size (uint32)
      packetSize - Preferred maximum packet size (uint32)
      buffer - Incoming Buffer that triggered the call. Note: the buffer's read position is exactly after the information that read to this call was decoded
      An OpenFuture for the channel open request
    • handleOpenSuccess

      void handleOpenSuccess(long recipient, long rwSize, long packetSize, Buffer buffer) throws IOException
      For a client channel, this method will be called internally by the session when the confirmation has been received.
      recipient - Recipient identifier (UINT32 represented as a long)
      rwSize - Read/Write window size (uint32)
      packetSize - Preferred maximum packet size (uint32)
      buffer - Incoming Buffer that triggered the call. Note: the buffer's read position is exactly after the information that read to this call was decoded
      IOException - If failed to handle the success
    • handleOpenFailure

      void handleOpenFailure(Buffer buffer) throws IOException
      For a client channel, this method will be called internally by the session when the server has rejected this channel opening.
      buffer - Incoming Buffer that triggered the call. Note: the buffer's read position is exactly after the information that read to this call was decoded
      IOException - If failed to handle the success
    • resolveAttribute

      default <T> T resolveAttribute(AttributeRepository.AttributeKey<T> key)
      Specified by:
      resolveAttribute in interface AttributeRepository
    • resolveAttribute

      static <T> T resolveAttribute(Channel channel, AttributeRepository.AttributeKey<T> key)
      Attempts to use the channel attribute, if not found then tries the session
      Type Parameters:
      T - The generic attribute type
      channel - The Channel - ignored if null
      key - The attribute key - never null
      Associated value - null if not found
      See Also:
    • writePacket

      IoWriteFuture writePacket(Buffer buffer) throws IOException
      Encode and send the given buffer. Note: for session packets the buffer has to have 5 bytes free at the beginning to allow the encoding to take place. Also, the write position of the buffer has to be set to the position of the last byte to write.
      buffer - the buffer to encode and send. NOTE: the buffer must not be touched until the returned write future is completed.
      An IoWriteFuture that can be used to check when the packet has actually been sent
      IOException - if an error occurred when encoding or sending the packet