Class OpenSSHLimitsExtensionInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OpenSSHLimitsExtensionInfo extends Object implements Cloneable
Response for the "[email protected]" request
Apache MINA SSHD Project
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • maxPacketLength

      public long maxPacketLength
      The total number of bytes in a single SFTP packet.
    • maxReadLength

      public long maxReadLength
      The largest length in a SSH_FXP_READ packet. Even if the client requests a larger size,\ servers will usually respond with a shorter SSH_FXP_DATA packet
    • maxWriteLength

      public long maxWriteLength
      The largest length in a SSH_FXP_WRITE packet the server will accept
    • maxOpenHandles

      public long maxOpenHandles
      The maximum number of active handles that the server allows (e.g. handles created by SSH_FXP_OPEN and SSH_FXP_OPENDIR packets). If the server doesn't enforce a specific limit, then the field may be set to 0. This implies the server relies on the OS to enforce limits (e.g. available memory or file handles), and such limits might be dynamic. The client SHOULD take care to not try to exceed reasonable limits.
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenSSHLimitsExtensionInfo

      public OpenSSHLimitsExtensionInfo()
    • OpenSSHLimitsExtensionInfo

      public OpenSSHLimitsExtensionInfo(org.apache.sshd.common.util.buffer.Buffer buffer)
    • OpenSSHLimitsExtensionInfo

      public OpenSSHLimitsExtensionInfo(PropertyResolver resolver)
  • Method Details